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Military Strike Against Marlinist Faction

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Conflict between Regulatory State of Ackwada and Duduseklis Empire League in the Ackwada system.

The Empire has targeted a Marlinist faction that is suspected of supporting the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA). It was recently placed into lockdown for its pro-Marlinist stance, during which time suspicions were raised of it having a direct connection to the NMLA.

The Imperial Internal Security Service made this statement:

“The Duduseklis Empire League is one of several organisations that publicly accepted the principles of Marlinism. Our intelligence suggests it is allowing the NMLA to radicalise its citizens into becoming activists for the paramilitary group.”

“Operations to investigate this potential nest of terrorists have been met with armed resistance. Imperial auxiliaries and independent pilots are requested to assist the Regulatory State of Ackwada in defeating all pro-Marlinist forces in the Ackwada system.”

The Duduseklis Empire League broadcast this message:

“If NMLA members have been recruited from our people, it is certainly not with our knowledge. The Empire is using a terrorist hunt to justify persecuting millions of ordinary citizens, whose only crime is to believe in republican ideals.”

“We remain loyal to the Emperor, but are forced to counter this unwarranted aggression to ensure these political refugees escape imprisonment. The stronger our resistance, the more megaships can flee this system. We desperately need help so we can transport thousands of innocent families to safety.”

Engineer Linked to Terrorist Weapons

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

Conflict between Keltim Empire League and Eurybia Blue Mafia in the Eurybia system.

Explosive devices used in recent terrorist attacks on four Imperial starports have been linked to Liz Ryder, an engineer based in the Eurybia system.

The Imperial Internal Security Service published this report:

“Analysis of station traffic revealed that the explosives were delivered on cargo transports linked to the Eurybia Blue Mafia, a notorious anarchist organisation that we have reason to believe is secretly supplying the NMLA.”

“The Eurybia Blue Mafia is protecting demolitions expert Liz Ryder, who we strongly suspect designed the specialist weapons used in the starport bombings. As they have refused to cooperate, a state of war has been declared until she is surrendered to our custody.”

“Our affiliate faction, the Keltim Empire League, has requested the support of independent pilots against any resisting anarchist forces.”

Ana Westergard, a spokesperson for the Eurybia Blue Mafia, broadcast this emergency message:

“This is an outrageous invasion by the Empire! We categorically deny any involvement with the NMLA. I urgently call upon our supporters – and anyone who cares about freedom – to help us defend Liz Ryder as well as our independence.”

Engineering services are still available at the Demolition Unlimited workshop, with Liz Ryder communicating remotely from a place of safety.

Imperial Crackdown on Marlinists

Senator Denton Patreus has mobilised Imperial military forces in response to terrorist acts committed by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA).

The Empire has declared martial law and a lockdown in Ackwada, Beatis Chana and Nahuatl, where the republican ideals of Marlinism are known to be popular. Imperial Army troops have replaced local security forces, and potential NMLA sympathisers are being arrested for interrogation.

Senator Patreus received applause in the Imperial Senate when he vowed:

“There will be justice for the murder of Prince Harold Duval and justice for those citizens who perished in flames. The Marlinists will pay dearly for these atrocities!”

In related news, the Imperial Internal Security Service issued a report regarding the NMLA’s recent attacks on starports:

“Forensic results confirm that much of the station damage was caused by Thargoid caustic enzymes. Fragments indicate that the bombs were of advanced design but definitely man-made, not Thargoid in origin. Their payloads were identical in composition to enzyme missile rack warheads.”

“Our deduction is that the portable explosives were smuggled onto all four starports, then remotely detonated as one coordinated strike. We are interviewing station personnel and analysing recent traffic to identify any patterns.”

Obituary: Prince Harold Duval

The Imperial Herald has published an obituary of Prince Harold Duval, who was assassinated by NMLA terrorists.

“Born in 3230 to Emperor Hengist, Harold Duval reacted against his father’s puritan lifestyle by filling his days with partying and debauchery, becoming the black sheep of the Duval family.”

“It was probably accidental that Harold had a child with entertainer Imogen Gabrielini, but they married shortly before her narcotics-related death. His daughter, Princess Aisling Duval, has always spoken warmly of her loving father.”

“Emperor Hengist eventually decreed that his son was not fit for the throne, despite being his only heir. Harold never contested this, perhaps relieved to allow half-sister Arissa Lavigny-Duval to take his place.”

“In recent years Harold became a recluse on Capitol, suffering ill-health from a lifetime of excesses. But a father’s protective instinct motivated him to travel to Aisling’s home system after it was attacked. Tragically, despite always renouncing power, merely being a Duval made him a target to those same republican terrorists.”

“As the Empire mourns Prince Harold, suspicions arise that the NMLA were aided by inside knowledge of his ship’s itinerary and security, throwing an uneasy shadow over the legacy of this eccentric, endearing man.”

Death of a Duval

Imperial news sources have confirmed that Prince Harold Duval was assassinated by NMLA terrorists while travelling incognito to the Cemiess system.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval broadcast this address:

“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Prince Harold. A state funeral at the Hall of Martyrs is being arranged and there will be a period of mourning, as is customary for esteemed members of the Imperial Family. There will be opportunities for all citizens to honour Harold’s memory in an appropriate manner.”

Princess Aisling Duval, Harold’s daughter, appeared uncharacteristically distressed when she gave a brief statement to the media:

“It’s a huge loss to us all that… I’m sorry… I can’t believe this has happened. He can’t be gone! I used to have some sympathy for the Marlinists, but now they… they took him from us. They took my daddy.”

The NMLA also attacked starports in the Cemiess, Gabjaujis, LHS 4031 and Rabh systems.

The Empire is now on heightened alert, and the Senate has approved new counter-terrorism initiatives proposed by Senator Denton Patreus.

Prince Harold Duval Assassinated

Prince Harold Duval is dead after a targeted assassination attempt by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army.

The Empire has imposed a media blackout on these events, and no official statement has been made. However, independent journalist Gwendolyn Nash published this on-the-scene report for Vox Galactica:

“From interviewing multiple sources, we gather that a single assassin managed to infiltrate Harold Duval’s personal transport. He was killed by shipboard guards but not before shooting the Prince at close range.”

“The NMLA claimed responsibility for this attack in its latest propaganda broadcast, which referred to the Duval family as ‘imperialist parasites’. The extremist group also demanded that ‘Marlinists everywhere must rise up and demand a democratic Republic’.”

“Harold Duval was famously declared unfit for the throne by Emperor Hengist, and has been out of the public eye ever since. He rarely left Capitol but was making an unpublicised journey to visit his daughter Aisling Duval, presumably in response to the recent terrorist attack in the Cemiess system.”

“It remains unknown how the NMLA knew of the Prince’s itinerary, or managed to breach security on his ship.”

Terror Attacks Used Thargoid-Derived Explosives

The Imperial Internal Security Service has transmitted another urgent bulletin regarding terrorist attacks on starports in the Empire.

“There have been indications that the four starports came under attack by Thargoids. We can confirm that this is not the case, and there is no evidence of Thargoid vessels in the vicinity.”

“Observers reported that some of the damage inflicted on the stations’ infrastructure closely resembled the effect of Thargoid weaponry. This was registered by internal sensor systems, resulting in automatic emergency broadcasts designed to summon aid during a Thargoid incursion.”

“Preliminary investigations suggest the use of customised explosive devices that incorporated elements of Thargoid technology. This suggests that the perpetrators have access to unusually sophisticated resources as well as xenological materials.”

“As yet there is no reason to doubt that the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA) is responsible for these attacks. We have received reports of jubilant scenes from some Imperial fringe systems, in territories where Marlinism remains popular.”

Help with rescue operations is still being requested from the four Imperial starports: Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system, Tsiolkovsky Terminal in the Gabjaujis system, Garrido Market in the LHS 4031 system, and Muller Terminal in the Rabh system.

Terrorist Attacks on Imperial Starports

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

The Empire has broadcast this message across its emergency channels:

“There have been multiple explosions within Mackenzie Relay station, in Princess Aisling Duval’s home system of Cemiess. NMLA terrorists have claimed responsibility.”

“In coordinated attacks they have also struck at Tsiolkovsky Terminal in the Gabjaujis system, Garrido Market in the LHS 4031 system, and Muller Terminal in the Rabh system.”

“We urgently request assistance from the galactic community with repairing these starports and rescuing their populations.”

The Imperial Internal Security Service issued a bulletin regarding this current threat:

“The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA) is a paramilitary force of political extremists, whose activities have been small-scale until now.”

“Marlinism is a well-known ideology inspired by Marlin Duval, who established the Republic of Achenar in the 23rd century prior to it becoming the Empire. Many people in the fringe systems are Marlinists, who want to replace hereditary Emperors with representation by elected senators. Neo-Marlinism is a more radical conviction that only terror tactics will force such change.”

“The NMLA’s hatred of the Imperial Family explains why it has targeted starports under the Duval banner. But its use of portable military-grade explosives is unprecedented, suggesting an increase in resources.”