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The View from Colonia

Vox Galactica’s culture correspondent Lishan Abara looks at the Colonia region, the largest enclave of humanity outside the core systems:

“Colonia. A place that few ever see, which exists following a computer malfunction. The famed Jaques Station suffered a mis-jump on its scheduled journey to Beagle Point, relocating some 22,000 light years from Sol. The subsequent rescue effort led to the establishment of the first permanent base in what is now considered a new frontier for humanity.”

“Over the last five years, courageous explorers have struck out to inhabit several dozen local systems. This, in turn, invited a steady stream of colonists seeking a fresh start. Nearly 13 million souls now count this remote area as their home.”

“This is a place beyond the influence of the superpowers and mega-corporations, and most residents prefer it that way. The Colonia Council works hard to maintain order, helping local organisations function along cooperative lines. There have been a handful of regional conflicts, but generally you’re less likely to witness trouble out here.”

“Having become self-sufficient early on, Colonia’s healthy economy encourages both traders and tourists to make the long journey. The scientific community maintains a notable presence, a notable example is the Holloway Bioscience Institute, which studies the many vacuum-dwelling life forms found in the Colonia Nebula.”

“Independent and faction-aligned pilots are catered to, with shipyards and even a fleet carrier construction dock found in the area. Local engineers such as Baltanos, Eleanor Bresa, Rosa Dayette and Yi Shen also offer suit and personal equipment modifications to those who make a living working on low-atmosphere worlds.”

“With the Colonia Bridge project well underway, it will soon be easier than ever to cross the interstellar gulf and reach this distant haven. Businesses, settlers and visitors alike may find themselves increasingly drawn to the Colonia experience.”

Colonia Bridge Project Receives Deliveries

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Twin initiatives in the Alcor and Colonia systems have procured materials to construct new dockable megaships.

Brewer Corporation made an announcement regarding its Colonia Bridge project:

“A positive response has led to generous shipments of ceramic composites, computer components and thermal cooling units being received. As a result, Brewer Corporation can now commence work on enhancing the transportation infrastructure between the core systems and the Colonia region.”

“Thanks to the dedication of the galactic community, 30 dockable megaships will be placed along the Colonia Bridge route by the 28th of October. These will serve as stationary ports, providing vital facilities for travellers. Planning is already underway for the second phase of this project, placing further megaships every four to five hundred light years working out from the Alcor and Colonia systems.”

“Payment for contributing pilots is now available at Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system. Both starports also offer a temporary discount on purchasing and outfitting to owners of our Drake-class Carriers.”

Brewer Corporation will soon be reaching out to the top ten pilots from both the Alcor and Colonia initiatives, to provide naming suggestions for the dockable megaships being placed on the route to Colonia. Submissions will be subject to review by the Brewer Corporation board of directors.

Twin Initiatives for Colonia Bridge Project

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Delivery campaigns in the Alcor and Colonia systems aim to improve journeys to the distant colonies.

The Colonia Bridge project is being funded by Brewer Corporation, which outlined the details in a press release:

“The Colonia region has great potential for businesses and travellers, but the long voyage can be prohibitive. Brewer Corporation is investing in the transportation infrastructure between the core systems and Colonia, to make crossing those thousands of light years easier.”

“Up to 30 dockable megaships will be placed along the route to Colonia, providing travellers with valuable respite and resources including tritium. These stationary megaships should be operational by the 28th of October, and will mark the completion of the first phase of the three-phase Colonia Bridge project. Its aim is to place dockable megaships every four to five hundred light years working out from the Alcor and Colonia systems.”

“To achieve this, we require large quantities of ceramic composites, computer components and thermal cooling units. These can be delivered to either Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system or Jaques Station in the Colonia system.”

The Colonia Council is subsidising part of the initiative, due to the importance of this enterprise. As a consequence, the commodity requirements for the megaships at Jaques Station are reduced.

Brewer Corporation has confirmed that as well as offering payment for the materials, it will ask the top ten contributors at Alcor and Colonia to submit potential names for the new megaships. Submissions will be subject to review by the Brewer Corporation board of directors.

As an added incentive, there will be temporary discounts on purchasing and outfitting fleet carriers at both Macdonald Settlement and Jacques Station, based on pilots’ contributions.

Scriveners Clan Abandons the Hesperus

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The dredger belonging to the Scriveners Clan has left the Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 system, where the Hesperus megaship is located.

The 200-year-old ‘ghost ship’, once owned by Azimuth Biochemicals, was discovered in April when the nomadic clan began salvaging it for materials and data.

Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency speculated:

“When the Scriveners laid claim to the Hesperus, I expected only a cloud of fragments would remain. But their salvage operation has been prematurely abandoned, after stripping the megaship’s innards and leaving behind a mostly intact hull.”

“Why have they done this? Perhaps because this particular dredger clan avoids outsiders. Public interest in the Hesperus inspired thousands of curious travellers to see it for themselves, potentially drawing more scrutiny than the secretive tribe could bear.”

“Alternatively, the Scriveners detected richer pickings elsewhere – either fresh resources for the dredger to consume or new information for their ‘Knowledge Core’. In theory they could still be tracked down as their vessel’s hyperdrive has a similar range to modern-day fleet carriers.”

“We know very little about the Scriveners, and even less about other clans. However, with the recent appearance of the Blue Viper Club dredger at Kumo City, I’m hopeful more may be revealed about these roaming societies.”

Defence and Delivery Requests for the Sirius System

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The Empire is aiding Sirius Corporation by offering bounty hunting and trade opportunities to support the Galactic Summit.

The diplomatic conference is now entering its second week, with superpower and independent leaders gathered at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system.

Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

“Our thanks to the Federation for organising additional security against unexpected numbers of vessels this past week. Anarchic extremists, political enemies and opportunistic criminals all attempted to disrupt the conference to no avail. Pilots who helped maintain the peace can collect their rewards at the Spirit of Laelaps.”

“For the coming week, we are working with the Empire to maintain the security operation by offering bounties on all wanted ships. The Empire will also pay generously for extra supplies of animal meat, coffee, fish, fruit and vegetables, and wine that are delivered to the Spirit of Laelaps.”

Pilots are reminded that neither permanent nor temporary permits to enter the Sirius system apply to fleet carriers. This joint initiative will run for one week, followed by Sirius Corporation partnering with the Alliance for the final week of the Galactic Summit.

In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are continuing to offer a 10% discount on all their ships to mark the historic occasion.

Galactic Summit Begins with Defence Request

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The Federation is working with Sirius Corporation to offer bounty hunting opportunities to protect the diplomatic conference.

The first Galactic Summit has officially opened at Patterson Enterprise station in the Sirius system. Temporary permits have been issued to all arriving delegates and Commanders for the three weeks of its term, although these do not apply to fleet carriers.

Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

“The data supplied to us in January revealed several unanticipated threats, putting additional strain on our navy and security forces. Working with the generous support of the Federation, we have placed bounties on all wanted ships to ensure delegates’ safety. Pilots defending the Sirius system will be rewarded for handing in bounty vouchers at the Spirit of Laelaps.”

The joint initiative will run for one week, after which Sirius Corporation will partner with the Empire to provide for the needs and security of the conference.

In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are celebrating the political gathering of all three superpowers with a 10% discount on their ships during the next three weeks.

Delegations have begun to arrive and formal introductions are taking place, with much media attention. This is the first time that universally recognised figures such as President Zachary Hudson, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Princess Aisling Duval have been seen side by side.

Conflict Between Federal Forces and Jupiter Division

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Jupiter Division ships have engaged in battle with rival Federal vessels in the HIP 54530 system.

Loyalists to former Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester have built their own breakaway faction in HIP 54530. The FIA suspects that Jupiter Division agents first infiltrated the HIP 54530 Gold Universal Group years ago, and permit locked the system to conceal their efforts to overtake it from within.

The self-appointed Supreme Executive Rochester declared:

“The Federation is choking to death on its outdated bureaucracy – only corporate rule can save it! But first the galactic community must protect my followers, so I can establish a permanent base of operations.”

Director Theodore Sullivan of the Silver Legal Group announced:

“We will not tolerate these criminals illegally controlling this system. Once victory is won, the Federation will be able to bring Rochester to justice.”

Jupiter Division has offered generous rewards to any pilots willing to help secure its presence in the HIP 54530 system. The Silver Legal Group has asked Federal auxiliaries to support its efforts to degrade Jupiter Division’s military force.

The Pilots Federation has agreed to supply all ships participating in this conflict with temporary permits to access HIP 54530. These will expire early on Thursday the 18th of February 3307.

However, neither permanent nor temporary system permits apply to fleet carriers, since they are capable of ferrying vessels which could evade detection and authorisation.

Warning of Ship Abductions by Fleet Carriers

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

This is an emergency bulletin to alert independent pilots that kidnappers are operating in the vicinity of the HR 6828 system.

The Pilots Federation has received reports of untrustworthy offers being made to Commanders who recently obtained their pilot’s licence.

These involve the owners of Drake-class fleet carriers enticing a pilot to outfit their ship for mining operations, before docking with the larger vessel. It then makes a series of jumps, to a distant star system over 800 light years away, taking the docked ship with it.

The Commander is encouraged to work on mining hotspots in order to produce income for the fleet carrier. However, their own ship’s limited jump range means they are effectively marooned, and reliant upon the fleet carrier to be returned to their starting system.

All pilots are therefore advised to beware of hails directing them to HR 6828 or systems in that area. It is also important to exercise extreme caution when docking with any fleet carrier whose owner is unknown.

The Pilots Federation has requested that this bulletin be shared by all members across public channels. It has also been distributed to major newsfeeds including The Alliance Tribune, The Federal Times, The Imperial Herald and Vox Galactica.