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Starship One Trial Begins

The trial of Chief Technician Rory Webster, who is charged with mass murder and attempted treason, began today at the Federal High Court on Mars.

Mr Webster, a department head in the Federal Navy Engineering Corps, is accused of attempting to destroy Starship One in 3301. He has filed a plea of not guilty.

The prosecutor laid out the charges, including this summary:

“According to the testimonies of three naval engineers, they installed replacement power regulator components to Starship One prior to its launch. Mr Webster verified this was routine maintenance during the initial investigation.”

“Last year, one engineer reviewed data for the Highliner Antares incident and realised that pre-modified power regulators could have caused an identical Frame Shift Drive misjump on Starship One. She tried to trace the components’ source and found the records deleted.”

“After Mr Webster refused to respond to her questions, she and her colleagues contacted the authorities, prompting a full inquiry.”

The Highliner Antares was a Sirius Corporation passenger liner that was destroyed in 3251 when its experimental hyperdrive engines malfunctioned.

The defence refuted the accusations as unprovable and motivated by personal grudges, making reference to Chief Technician Webster’s otherwise flawless record.

The trial is expected to conclude next week.

Arrest Made in Starship One Criminal Case

An officer in the Federal Navy Engineering Corps has been arrested for sabotaging the presidential vessel Starship One.

A statement was made by Milandu Okoro of the Federal Attorney’s Office:

“Chief Technician Rory Webster was a department head of engineering for Starship One. Testimonies from members of Mr Webster’s team claim that he ordered unauthorised adjustments to the ship’s hyperdrive systems while in drydock, shortly before its launch in May 3301 and subsequent destruction.”

“This case is now being brought before the Federal High Court, where Mr Webster will stand trial for mass murder and attempted treason.”

There has been no comment from President Zachary Hudson, but Shadow President Felicia Winters told the press:

“This was a truly horrific tragedy, and there must be justice for all those who lost their lives on that sad day.”

The apparent death of many Federation leaders aboard Starship One resulted in Winters briefly becoming acting president, shortly before Hudson won a vote of no confidence. There has been much media attention regarding how this event proved pivotal to both of their political careers.

Inquiry into Starship One’s Destruction Concludes

An independent inquiry by the Federal Attorney’s Office into the destruction of presidential vessel Starship One has produced a final report.

Senior Attorney Milandu Okoro made this statement:

“The loss of presidential vessel Starship One in May 3301, along with hundreds of lives, was a great tragedy. Despite suspicion that this was an attempt to eliminate then-President Jasmina Halsey, initial investigations concluded that a catastrophic malfunction of its drive systems was the likely cause.”

“A new inquiry was opened when fresh evidence came to light, including testimonies from several members of the Federal Navy. Our final report states that there is sufficient reason to believe Starship One was destroyed by deliberate sabotage.”

“A grand jury has determined that criminal charges should be made. We have shared our findings with the Federal Intelligence Agency, and understand that an arrest will take place shortly.”

The inquiry report is not yet in the public domain, but is thought to allege that illegal modifications were made to the Frame Shift Drive system of Starship One in advance of its destruction during flight through hyperspace.

Week in Review

Here are this week’s main stories.

Conflict has broken out in the Synuefe EN-H d11-96 system following a series of attacks against convoys transporting Guardian commodities. Zende Partners, who recently established a research operation in the system aided by a megaship transport service, have claimed the violence was organised by Segnen Exchange. Both corporations have called on the galactic community to support their respective security campaigns.

In related news, the prior appeal by Zende Partners to install a technology broker at The Prospect in Synuefe EN-H d11-96 was successful. Guardian modules are now available for purchase at the outpost.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has called on President Gibson Kincaid to step down pending an official inquiry. Mahon has claimed that Kincaid’s unauthorised command of the Alliance’s Zaonce fleet, combined with recent claims of illegal campaign funding, is sufficient to suspend the presidency. Kincaid has dismissed the demands as unconstitutional.

And finally, commentators have linked ship thief Gan Romero’s dream journal with the statements given by Jasmina Halsey following the disappearance of Starship One. The Rewired network claimed these ‘bodiless voices’ had disregarded the relative standing of these two individuals, and questioned how many others had experienced similar calls.

And those are the main stories this week.

Ship Thief Linked to Halsey’s Visions

There has been much speculation about starship technician Gan Romero, whose dreams are believed to have directed him to steal a ship from a starport hangar.

On the Rewired network, independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse offered this analysis:

“Romero’s dream journal entries were very similar to Jasmina Halsey’s visions after the Starship One incident three years ago. Was this lowly grease monkey in touch with the same ‘caretakers of our galaxy’ that Halsey claims spoke to her?”

“Sure, it could be coincidence. Maybe even a shared psychological disorder. But it seems possible that Halsey and Romero were telepathically contacted by the same incorporeal intelligence.”

“You can see why they might want to talk to a Federal president. But a starport technician? What’s so special about Romero? If he’s telling the truth then who knows how many more ordinary people have heard these summons from ‘bodiless voices’ over the years?”

Isolde Rochester becomes Shadow Vice President

Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters has appointed Isolde Rochester as the deputy leader of the Federation’s Liberal Party.

The new Shadow Vice President made a statement to the media:

“After a decade of serving in Congress, supporting both President Halsey and Shadow President Winters, it is an honour to accept this position. Many challenges face the Federation, and the Liberal Party is ready to meet them.”

The former deputy leader, Edgar Santiago, recently made the sudden decision to retire from politics and purchase a private luxury starship, despite not being known for extravagant spending.

Isolde Rochester is the matriarch of the powerful Rochester family, which includes the CEO of Core Dynamics and two Federal Navy officers. Rumours suggest that she called off the wedding of her son Ambasador Jordan Rochester when suggestions arose of Princess Aisling Duval’s infidelity.

The Silence of Aisling Duval

The date of Princess Aisling Duval’s wedding to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester has passed without comment from either party.

Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios discussed the situation:

“Public reaction to the cancelled wedding has ranged from outrage to delight. Jasmina Halsey expressed regret at a ‘lost opportunity for long-term peace’, while Senator Zemina Torval called it ‘the mercy killing of a catastrophically bad idea’.”

“With no word from the Imperial Palace or the White House, it’s easy to imagine both Emperor Arissa and President Hudson breathing sighs of relief. But the silence from Aisling Duval and Jordan Rochester rings loudest. What might they be feeling? Was their relationship terminated against their wishes? Did it ever really exist?”

“Naturally I invited the princess to tell her story, but her previous openness is apparently a thing of the past. The Rochester family is also shying away from the media. Jarl Toredo, whose alleged affair with Aisling apparently derailed the marriage, has vanished from public sight.”

“Was this a tragic love triangle, or just a political chess game? We may never know. But what’s certain is that, before long, Aisling Duval will put these failures behind her and be back in the spotlight where she belongs.”

Details of Aisling Duval’s Wedding Announced

The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is now in the advanced planning stages, and a date has been confirmed for the ceremony.

An official proclamation was printed in both The Federal Times and The Imperial Herald:

“Her Imperial Highness Princess Aisling Duval and the honourable Ambassador Jordan Rochester are pleased to announce the occasion of their wedding on Saturday 25th August 3304 at the Imperial Palace on Emerald in the Cemiess system.”

“Invitations have been extended to representatives of every strata of society. An honour guard of vessels from both the Federal Navy and the Imperial Navy will be in attendance. The couple’s wish is for all citizens of the galaxy to join together in celebration of their union.”

There has been criticism of Princess Duval’s choice of husband, with some Imperial citizens voicing dismay at the forthcoming nuptials. Senator Zemina Torval continued to publicly air her disapproval:

“This is nothing but a PR exercise, designed purely for political and financial gain. The princess should not be undermining the Empire’s policies for her own personal benefit.”

But there is equal support for what many consider a genuine romance. Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey, now acting as an advisor to the Alliance, stated:

“I am very enthusiastic about the opportunities for peace that this marriage will bring. This relationship symbolises a new era of amity that will benefit all of humanity.”