Galnet archive

Overview of the Past Week's Developments

Commanders from all over the galaxy are making their mark. Many different Commander groups are beginning to form to show their faction allegiance, demonstrate against decisions made by the Galactic Super Powers, or calling for support of their cause.

Communism Interstellar is an emerging group with the stated aim 'to give all sentient beings a better life and a chance for immortality'. Once Communism Interstellar gathers enough members its ten step plan involves taking on every communism mission possible, trading between communist systems and inserting spies within every major community group.

The Elite Diplomatic Corps aims to pool its efforts to favour Alliance interests across the galaxy. In a statement, the group said:

"We are calling every Alliance pilot from AEDC (or other organisations that sympathise with the cause) in the STF 1774 region to help our fellow comrades."

Independent pilots' actions were also credited by Senator Patreus in helping to bring an early end to the hostilities in the Durius system as they came to a close and reducing the number of casualties suffered by both sides. The Senator's civic management teams are now in the process of taking over control of the system's government in preparation for its new status as an Imperial world.

The recent slide of Banki and BD+03 2338 into states of lawless anarchy caused some to accuse President Jasmina Halsey of completely mishandling the socioeconomic climate. Some claimed her missteps have left the Federation weaker than it has ever been before.

The Imperial wedding was delayed due to Hengist Duval's sickness. The markets did not notably change in reaction to this news, suggesting that the true state of the Emperor's health has come as no surprise to those in power.

Traders operating in systems across the galaxy have complained of an increase in illegal racing activity. A representative declared:

"These speeding ships are a menace! They perform dangerous manoeuvres at ridiculous speeds and that puts honest traders like us in danger."

The Buckyball Run continues despite the outcry.

Patreus Announces Generous Settlement of Dispute in Durius

Senator Patreus today announced an end to hostilities in the Durius system. The conflict in Durius began after the ruling authorities defaulted on a large debt that they'd inherited from the previous government. The Senator's civic management teams are now in the process of taking over control of the system's government in preparation for its new status as an Imperial world.

As well as declaring the aforementioned changes, Senator Patreus offered a great deal of praise in response to the overwhelming number of independent pilots who travelled to Durius in order to join his cause:

"In this modern age of new drive technology and rapid interstellar travel we find ourselves becoming ever more reliant on the outstanding work carried out by our honoured allies of the Pilot's Federation. Without their timely assistance many more causalities would have befallen both sides of the conflict. Not just myself, but the people of Durius owe those brave independent pilots a debt of gratitude for helping to end this war before it got truly out of hand."

Patreus Queries Emperor's Coma in the Senate

In the first Senate session in the New Year since the public holidays, Senator Denton Patreus, Senator for Eotienses, has asked the burning question of the Senate. He directed it at the Chancellor, Senator Blaine.

"It saddens us to hear that his grace Emperor Hengist has fallen into a coma, but we need to think for the future of our beloved Empire. How long will his grace be in a coma before we trigger the succession? This has not happened in over a thousand years, and it is for us to decide. One day? One week? One month? One year? 

We need a strong leader, and we should set a date in the near future when we review the situation."

There was a frisson of mumbling in the Senate after his comments and a general consensus to review the situation at the next session.

Extremist Leader Calls for Zero Tax Policy

Call Hagen, the leader of the League of Nabatean Defence Party, today called for a zero tax policy for citizens of the system of Nabatean at an impromptu rally.

"We citizens of the Federation are treated poorly compared to the progressive policies evident within the Empire. The Federation is older and stronger but our heritage is weighed down with the bondage of taxation. Let us learn from the strong leadership of Senator Patreus and his Imperial colleagues and ensure that our own society is not a burden upon our families."

A spokesperson for the Workers of Nabatean refused to comment on what he described 'the ravings of a mad man'. Ignoring the speech may be a mistake for the current ruling party as the opposition received a massive swing in support after the speech.

Overview of the Past Week's Developments

Dulos has joined Sanna's bid to leave the Federation, putting more pressure on President Halsey that Shadow President Hudson has been quick to exploit. Imperial Senator Patreus has of course welcomed the move.

In the ongoing war that Patreus declared on Durius, support from Commanders seem to be now swinging behind him, promoting a plea for assistance from Durius' government.

Onionhead prices have soared in Federal systems in response to the ongoing publicity surrounding the controversy, much to the anger of the Federation hierarchy.

Another slave rebellion has broken out in the Ongkuma system. Senator Torval has sent two of her Majestic class Interdictors in response to the civil war there, and Commanders seem once again to be siding with the Imperial slaver. The rebellion would be grateful for your assistance, Commanders!

Federal warships have now arrived in the Luluwala system, cranking up tensions with the Empire - and the prospect of even more combat bonds!

Latest News on Durius Situation

It seems many private pilots have been helping Senator Patreus' warships against the government of Durius, and that the government is suffering serious losses.

Despite Senator Patreus' actions Durius has still not settled the debt. Governor Malachai gave the following interview from his governmental headquarters:

"It is heart-warming to see the support for a down-trodden system like ours from commanders of independent ships. Sadly there are those who are siding with Patreus. We hope they will see the error of their ways before it is too late."

There are reports from sources close to Senator Patreus that he is pleased with his force's progress so far. Another aide quipped that "Governor Malachai is clearly deluding himself!"

Patreus Announces Support for Federal Leavers

In response to yesterday's announcement from the Federal Congressman from Dulos, Imperial Senator Denton Patreus announced he will support any other systems that want to leave the Federation.

"The Federation is treating its members with contempt. Their penal tax rates support an indolent core society, and discourage entrepreneurship. I offer my assistance to any other systems that want it. Naturally I extend my offer of help to Jane Garvey."

We couldn't reach Congressman Garvey of Dulos for comment, but Patreus's words are being taken seriously by the Federal leadership.

Federal Shadow President Hudson Criticises Halsey

It seems the steps of Congress have become a venue for interviews with politicians amid the repetitive protest holos and the tenacious but now quite dishevelled protesters. Today was Shadow President Hudson's turn.

"Halsey is lurching from crisis to crisis seemingly without a plan. Look at this. 'Oniongate' it is being called. Madness. She is rudderless. Indecisive. 

Do any of us have any faith in her anymore? We cannot wait until her vote of confidence in 3304 to get rid of her. We need to act now. I will raise this in Congress as we need to put some backbone back into the Federation. We need to lower taxes. Get our youth in work or in the military. Raise the voting age to 21. Stop the haemorrhage of great systems like Dulos and Sanna. That woman is driving them into the arms of that Imperial weasel Patreus."

Reports are marking this as the beginning of an election campaign for Hudson.