Logbook entry

Day 2: Entering deep into the unknown

17 Sep 2016Xino9922
Yep, seems only every 10th or so star system I encounter here has been discovered. The rate of discovered systems vs. not discovered systems is decreasing as I am now over 3000 light-years from the bubble. Considering that I have actually moved towards the North America nebula first, then headed towards Jaques, the actual distance covered is more like 5000 light-years.

No earthlikes this far, but I have found 10 or so gas giants with microscopic life. Not to mention the 23 water planets I've also encountered so far. No black holes yet, but a lot of brown dwarfs of both classes. Kind of glad I have a lot of fuel in my ship, but soon I won't need it as the star density is already increasing quite dramatically .

Anyways, some scenic shots from the route:

Some stars very close together from each other. There was also this huge gas giant with 3 rings around 100 light-seconds from these stars.

Here I put my ship to rest for now, drifting in space. Inching ever closer to the galactic core. You can see those very distinct nebula in front of it, and personally, scenery like this is part of the reason why I like exploring in Elite.

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︎0 Shiny!

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