Logbook entry

Day 3: To take a detour or stay the course?

20 Sep 2016Xino9922
Last night was interesting.

Well, depends on what you think "interesting" is on your part. But nonetheless, I found a system with an earthlike with carbon-based life, one just regular planet that is a candidate for terraforming, and twin water worlds... all this was undiscovered and with a very pretty backdrop in the form of an A-class super-hot star.

Other than that I found a whole bunch of water worlds and gas giants with life, like this one:

I covered another 1200 ly yesterday, in around 2-3 hours. At this speed it's going to take me at least 43 hours to get to Jaques, if I head straight for it. But, I really want to make a detour to all these nebula that are showing against the galactic core, and that I am getting ever closer to.

I don't know if you've realized, but I write these a day after I actually do the exploring :3
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︎2 Shiny!

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