Logbook entry

Something good, something bad, something ... unnecessary

13 Sep 2015Grey Pilgrim
Yesterday was a rather long, but eventul day.

I started going to Maausk to help fight Emperor's Dawn and got some combat bound vouchers, but got distracted afterwards by hours of hauling contraband and hunting pirates, loosing my ship against a wing of eight dangerous sidewinders, biting of more than I could chew.

After making good my losses, I returned to the Conflct Zone at Maausk, finding it so crowded by fellow commanders that it was nearly imposible to earn a bound, so fast were all hostile ships shot down. But I got my share, even shooting down a Python or two - with some help from my fellows. After the zone was cleared, I jumped out and back again, trying to earn some more bounds for the Community Goal, but before I noticed the zone was not as crowded as before, I got careless and took on a Python (and its supporters) alone, again biting of more than was good for me and choking again, loosing my new and shiny ship again!

So back to pirate hunting it was, and it went well - I even avoided a 'conda successfully and shot down its company, a Cobra, only to overestimate my fighting skills once more and going for the (competent) Anaconda ... getting it down to 4% hull befotre being killed. Again. For the third time. On one day. *sigh*

(A note on the side: Was is it with those pirate sidewinders, intecepting an ASP in supercruise to demand my cargo? Not a problem, of course: targetting, two or three shots to down the shields, two or three again to kill it off ... but they come again and again and again?)

After loosing three ships I decided to try my hand at something else to end the day, bought me a T6 and went trading on a profitable route, getting about 3.6k for every 15 minute haul there and back again, making it about 1.2M every hour. All in all, I made more than 8M on that day, investing about 6M to buy Black Arrow some armour, paying about 1.8M on insurance for three lost ships ... so about 500k profit all in all. Could have been worse ...

Perhaps I shouldn't multitask so much while flying, reading the Wing Board or watching the fuel rats IRC channel - but after all, I learned some new things, for example about the ship's integrity that isn't repaired automatically when ordering "Repair All" at a station, but has to be (ordered to) fix(ed) manullay. And the paint jobs have to be fixed by hand, too! My structural integrity was down to about 30% - whoa. (After repair, I was shot down anyway by those 8 sidewinders, but one thing more to watch.)
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︎2 Shiny!

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