Logbook entry

The return; 23.000 light-years and back again

04 Jan 2017Xino9922
*Incoming transmission from Blu Thua AI-A C14-10, Hillary Depot. Destination: Brestla, Roed Odegaard Station. Imperial encryption protocols detected*
*Decryption in progress...*
INV Far Lands' first journey into the unknown.
CMDR Xino9922 of The Holy Order of The Emperor's Inquisition's personal log, 4th of January 3303.

I've returned to the Inquisition!
All Hail the Emperor, All Hail The Holy Order of The Emperor's Inquisition!

Nothing makes me feel more at home than the Imperial banners adorning Roed Odegaard.

On a side note, new ship, yay! An Asp Explorer, The Imperial Navy Vessel (INV) Far Lands

Jump range; 33.37 light-years with an engineer-retrofitted FSD. Range; 250-270 light-years on one tank of fuel. Armament; 4x multicannons, 2x cannons. For defensive purposes. Never know when the enemies of the Empire may appear...

A bit further on now, you can see the galactic core getting a bit brighter than back in inhabited space.

I do look forward until I'm closer. The closer you are, the more stunning the backdrop of the galactic core gets.

I decided to stop for a bit in the M25 sector of space, some 2.000 light-years away from inhabited space. I did manage to drop into a bit of a badlands-region, but I got out again.

Again I'm zig-zagging heavily, to pick up interesting sights. The backdrop of the galactic core hanging there on the horizon is absolutely stunning though. Too bad the nebulae are all black and tiny out here -.-

After a bit more I've finally reached my destination. Hillary Point!

This will be the first real stop on my trip back to Colonia. Sold off around a million and a half of exploration data here. I'm already allied with Jaques, so time to start raising my reputation with the Colonia Council.

So here we are, the first 3000 light-years of INV Far Lands' trip into deep space. I expect to be out here for a while. I leave you with this sight...

Until next time

o7 CMDRs
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