Logbook entry

Large ships and small ships

27 Sep 2015Grey Pilgrim
Early this morning I had a look at the HRES in Amitrite again. Got dropped from supercruise more than 150km out, even though I had a destination lock, and first ship I met is ... an Anaconda. A harmless one, according to the pilot's rank, and harmless it was indeed: it never got a single shot out before I took it down, for a meagre 39k Cr.

I went back to supercruise and dropped next to the HRES beacon, and found ... a wing of three Imperial Couriers. Dangerous they were according to their rating, and I burned through my first SCB taking one of them out while all of them shot at me. A handsome bounty, and then I went for the second Courier ... which fled! And the third one followed suite, even before the police had arrived! Hmpf. After that I got lots of Sidewinders, Eagles, Vipers, Adders and some Cobras and an ASP ... and then I was to fast again and got me a bounty for shooting before the scan was through. Damn!

I jumped to Gende to wait there for the bounty to expire after nine minutes, found a HRES and went hunting there, too. And what a HRES it was! Got two Pythons (one rated Master, one Dangerous); after them came to deadly Imperial Clippers. And while I went through my third and last shield bank, two dangerous Dropships followed suit. I let my friends from the ISS - who had arrived in the meantime - rough them up a bit and joined after my shields had reloaded. Got both of them, too, and went to Baliunas Hub to cash my (local) bounty in.

While docking I got a message from The Pilot's Federation: I am now rated a Master in combat. Hooray!

Afterwards, back to some more hunting in Amitrite, and - having changed ships - some boring trade runs; I finished with some smuggling (battle weapons to Phiagre - more weapons dealer than stations!). Unfortunately, on my last smuggling run I lost my ship due to some mishap. So all profits gone for insurance. :-(

To end the day well I joined the Sidewinder Shootout: it was very much fun! (Even though I was shot down rather quickly each time.) But I think the Shootout could use some more pre-planning, for less idling, and a dedicated announcer for the Local comm channel (for those who don't use Teamspeak) - then it'd be even more fun.
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︎0 Shiny!

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