Logbook entry

Rejoining my old route; still 15.000 light years to go until I reach Colonia

24 Feb 2017Xino9922
*Incoming transmission from //ERROR, SYSTEM UNKNOWN//. Destination: Brestla, Roed Odegaard Station. Imperial encryption protocols detected*
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INV Far Lands' first journey into the unknown.
CMDR Xino9922 of The Holy Order of The Emperor's Inquisition's personal log, 24th of February 3303.

I've strayed off course. Far off course.

My original plan was to the first three deep space outposts, Hillary-Amundsen-Eagle, then head straight for Sagittarius A.

Didn't happen. I'm about to re-join my old 30k light year original route to Colonia. I reached Eagle's Landing a quite few days ago. Took me a while to get there, stopped off a few places to rest, and just have a relaxing drive around in my SRV.

Nonetheless, Eagle's Landing with it's giant central tower is an impressive and welcome sight, this deep into space. And I really mean giant tower. Come on, look at this thing! I don't see the point of advertising this deep in space, but got to make money somehow, right?

It's a glorious Imperial advert anyways, for Gutamaya. All hail The Empire! But seriously, stop wasting money on this and increase funding for ammunition and fuel to The Inquisition please...

Further on, I found what looks like a battlefield. There was a destroyed Type 9 and an Imperial Clipper out here. No idea who the data cache belonged to, but in case it contains secret Imperial data, it better be destroyed before it falls into enemy hands. A perfect job for The Inquisition. Deploy multicannons *pew pew* take that, data cache!

Data cache destroyed, mission accomplished. Not really...

After a bit, I ran into this fairly interesting system. Two gas giants with life;

One with ammonia-based life.

Another one with water-based life.

I decided to dock my ship in the asteroid belt around this ringed water world. Heading down as I write this, my nav-computer decided to have a hiccup and drop me far above the belt. Running diagnostics now, probably losing power for a bit soon. Better get this log done and sent...

Until next time

o7 CMDRs
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