Logbook entry

Personal Log | 30 - May | Gearing Up

30 May 2019Loydman24
I've decided to put the trip to Beagle Point on hold, temporarily. In light of having to be rescued by the Rats and almost meeting my end while doing neutron jumps; I've decide to stock up on materials for injected FSD jumps. This will allow me to make larger jumps, and not always have to worry about supercharging. Not sure how long it will take me to stock up on the needed materials, but in the long run I feel like this will be the smartest play. Hopefully it won't take that long though, I really want to get back out there and continue my trip...getting to Beagle Point isn't just about accomplishing one of my dreams and goals, but also my parents. Before they were killed they were supposed to do some research, that was their dream. Now, its mine. I will make it there. I will complete their legacy.

Anyways, updates may be few and far between over the coming weeks, at least until I get what I need. Once I'm geared up and ready to leave then I'll update again. Until then...

stay safe out there cmdrs

Cmdr Loydman o7
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