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I foresee a long road ahead - October (3305)

13 Oct 2019CMDR Jokerman
This 30+LY jump capability is pretty sweet and it's not all done yet.

I've seen a build for an 84+LY  Anaconda albeit totally stripped down and as such, not really the 'do it all' configuration I want mine to be ..... but 50+LY would be nice with my configuration is my thinking.

With this in mind, I've set about reviewing the build configurations.  

Step 1 is to determine the optimum standard modules AND associated engineering upgrades & experimental effects.
See below for a work in progress summary of current thinking!

Step 2 is to evaluate what Guardian technology can further improve performance.
I know nuttin about Guardian tech at all by the way so I've got some study there to do.

And guess what ....there is a step 0 also which I forgot .... to build up my materials stocks!
I'm out of Nickel and already low on a number of other mats. So there is some ground prospecting, signal source investigation and maybe a little bit of mission running in my future.

A lot more to follow.


Summary: "D" Class used unless no weight impact (i.e. none for Refinery so used "A"). FSD still is "A" for performance reasons. )
Engineering is aimed at performance of course but with the lightweight modification where possible.
Looks like ~44.8LY (empty) jump range and a ~55% resting heat signature.
* this is using Coriolis.io and running one 'random' spin to set the result. So your mileage may vary! e.g. running additional cycles of experimental on the Sensors might yield a better mass saving and thus increase jump range.

Existing DettiBoo5  build [Proposed change]

1L Lightweight Alloy [Engineered to Heavy Duty 5 & Layered Plating]

4A Multi Cannon (Huge HP) [Engineered to High Capacity 5 & Stripped Down]
3E Burst Laser Gimballed (Large HP)  [Swap to 3C Beam Laser Gimballed and Engineered to Overcharged 5 & Stripped Down]
3C Beam Laser Gimballed (Large HP) [Engineered to Overcharged 5 & Stripped Down]
3C Beam Laser Gimballed (Large HP)  [Engineered to Overcharged 5 & Stripped Down]
2D Beam Laser Gimballed (Medium HP)  [Engineered to Overcharged 5 & Stripped Down]
2D Beam Laser Gimballed (Medium HP)  [Engineered to Overcharged 5 & Stripped Down]
1D Mining Laser Fixed (Small HP)
1D Mining Laser Fixed (Small HP)

Core Internal:
8A Power plant (8)  [Swap to 8D and Engineered to Overcharged 5 & Stripped Down]
6A Thrusters (7) [Swap to 7D and Engineered to Clean 5 & Stripped Down]
6A Frame Shift Drive (6) [Engineered to Increased Range 5 & Thermal spread]
5E Life Support (5) [Swap to 5D and Engineered to Lightweight 5]
7A Power Distributor (8) [Swap to 8D and Engineered to Charge Enhanced 5 & Stripped Down]
8E Sensors (8) [Swap to 8D and Engineered to Lightweight 5]
5C Fuel Tank (5)

Optional Internal:
7E Cargo (7)
6E Cargo (6)
6A Shield (6) [Swap to 6D and Engineered to Reinforced 5 & Stripped Down]
5A Collector Limpet Controller (6) [Swap to 5D and Engineered to Lightweight 5]
5E Cargo (5)
4A Fuel Scoop (5) [Engineered to Shielded 4]
5D Prospector Limpet Controller (5) [Engineered to Lightweight 5]
4A Refinery (4) [Engineered to Shielded 4]
2G Planetary Vehicle Hangar (4)
4E Cargo Rack (4)
1I Detailed Surface Scanner (2) [Engineered to Expanded Probe Scanning Radius 5]
1E Supercruise Assist (1)
4A Shield Cell Bank (5) [Swap to 4D and Engineered to Rapid Charge 4 & Stripped Down]

0I Point Defense (0) [Engineered to Shielded 5]
0I Heat Sink Launcher (0) [Engineered to Lightweight 5]
0B Pulse wave Analyzer (0)
0D Frame Shifyt Wake Scanner (0) [Engineered to Lightweight 5]
0B Kill Warrant Scanner (0) [Engineered to Lightweight 5]
0A Shield Booster (0) [Engineered to Thermal Resistant 5]
0A Shield Booster (0) [Swapped out for a second HeadSink OI and Engineered to Lightweight 5]
OI Point Defense (0) [Engineered to Shielded 5]
Do you like it?
︎0 Shiny!

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