Logbook entry

Logbook Entry: 1 - Unexpected Difficulties

23 Jan 2020RapFab
-Logbook Entry: 1
-Date: 23 JAN 3306
-Time: 19:00:16

-Beginning of Logbook Entry Recording

Made my Way to the Engineer Felicity Farseer in the Deciat System.
When I arrived at the System and headed out to Farseer Inc. on the Planet Deciat 6 A I got interdicted by the Police. After a Scan I continued my Way to Farseer Inc. when suddenly another interdiction happend and I got interdicted. It took me a while until I realized that I was attacked by a fellow Commander in a Federal Corvette. Because of a battle between me and a Type 9 at a distribution center earlier, I was repairing my Shield Generator with my Auto-Field-Maintance-Unit. That meant my Shields were down and it only took a few Seconds until CMDR Herlev killed me with his Corvette. My beloved Ship, the /MOTHERLODE, ejected me in time but blew up behind me. With a broken heart I had to make a choice. I obviously decided to rebuy the /MOTHERLODE with around 8 of my 22 Million Credits. I decided to chat with the Pirate but instead of contacting him I contacted 3 really nice fellow Commanders. CMDR Barnabas Longbarbus, CMDR Mameluco and CMDR Louis Villers. We chatted a bit about the Pirates around Farseer Inc. and exchanged what Ship we were using. After a while the Communication broke up. I'm still unsure if I should sent a Universal Friend Request to these Commanders. After a hard time I finally made it to Farseer Inc. only to realize that I don't got enough Data to sell to get to Grade 5. Guess the fifth Upgrade to the FSD of the /MOTHERLODE has to wait until I got enough Data. VERITY, end Logbook Entry Recording.

-End of Logbook Entry Recording
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