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Personal Log | 24 - March - 3306 | Back Online

25 Mar 2020Loydman24
Wow it's been 8 long months since I've been able to climb into this chair and utter the words...

Captain's Log.

So much has taken place in the past 8 months, from sicknesses to deaths (luckily not mine!), to ship malfunctions (so what else is new, right?), to ship upgrades and new crew members. But it feels so good to finally be back in the saddle. I've spent the last couple days flying around Colonia getting used to the new HCS-COVAS system I had installed into my ships systems. Now it's not just me that'll be floating around in the void...I'll, happily, be joined by six new crew members: Carina - my number one, Verity - who will assist with helm control, Eden - who does wonders in Engineering, Chase - who takes care of all operations, Alix - resident science guru, and finally (but certainly not forgotten, although aboard Phyxios she won't have much to do) Celeste - who will maintain our tactical awareness and readiness. Let me be the first to say...ladies it'll be nice to have you accompany everywhere I go...I think Mom and Dad would've like ya'll...especially you, Alix .

I've also spent a little bit of time finishing up gathering some materials for specialized jumps and repairs while I'm out and about - where funny enough, I had a bit of a mishap with my SRV in which I had to make a most unceremonious emergency exit (thanks to Carina/Verity/Chase Phyxios was right there to get me before I ran out of O2 - I rather like breathing). Needless to say I had to have some repairs done to the SRV. Ooops.

Anyways - I've been itching to get going, and finally its time! It's been well over a year since I started my journey to World's End at Beagle Point, but I haven't given up! Mission is officially re-started tonight as I make a short trek to a nearby POI I've caught wind of as I begin making my way towards my ultimate goal.

It's been a long time coming, but Phyxios is fueled, locked, and loaded and we are offically go for launch!

Well time to end transmission for now,

CMDR Loydman signing off...

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︎3 Shiny!

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