Logbook entry

Personal Log | 27 - March - 3306 | Heading Back Toward the Core

28 Mar 2020Loydman24
I'm gradually working my way back towards the core because I caught wind of a few systems with some interesting sights to see. So I figured, why not its in the same, general, direction - just a little more horizontal before I go vertical. I've already managed to catch some pretty interesting and stunning sights including a neutron star with landable stars within close proximity of it, and the black hole known as "Tartarus". Tartarus was especially stunning because you could see the whole ball of star effect - even up on entry - and with the galactic center behind it made for very impressive site. Even more so if you were willing to fly right up to the exclusion zone, which I did, much to the dismay of my female companions...I still think Carina is sulking. After that it was a trek to the graveyard's gate, which was like its name pretty creepy. I finished my day in Eol Prou AA-A h162 where I got some cool shots of a ringed gas giant cast completely into darkness due to the light source being swallowed by yet another black hole. I touched down on a nearby planet orbiting orbiting the ring gas giant and am gonna catch some sleep here before heading out.

All in all things are going pretty smooth so far, and the views have been breathtaking. I definitely look forward to seeing what's in store for me.

signing off for now, night everyone!

Cmdr Loydman

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