Personal Log | 1 - Apr - 3306
01 Apr 2020Loydman24
Captains Log:So I've kind of mapped out a route to Beagle Point, albeit it is a very round about way of getting there, but I've included some interesting stops I've found along the way. I'm currently in transit to stop and see the Blue Whale Geysers - I've heard they its a photo opp that you just can't pass up if you're in the area. Well, relatively in the area I suppose. After that I'll hop scotch my way toward Beagle Point. I've read a lot of people talking about crossing the Abyss - how intimidating it can be - I really wonder if it is really that big of a deal. Especially considering some of the predicaments I've gotten myself into during this whole trip. Guess its a kind of, ominous, thing to look forward to as I move closer and closer.
There really isn't that much to report at this point, pretty much just hopping from one system, to the next, taking in the scenery. Have run across some water worlds, one of which had really cool looking rings surrounding it.
Anyways, time to log off for now.
Cmdr Loydman signing off.