Logbook entry

Competent? Like a Western Democratic Government in a Pandemic

12 Oct 2020Quillmonkey
Gave my first combat CG a go today. Bought a FDL with an engineered 4A Beam just for the occasion.  It didn't start well. I jumped into Ackwada, avoided one interdiction, failed the second and got my ass handed to me on a plate by a happy CMDR. One FDL rebuy later I remembered to SOLO.  

Decided I'd spent enough time helping Vader and his stormtroopers quash the rebellion while ranking up to Knight, so thought I'd buy into whatever DUDA was selling in the community goal (DUDA sounded a bit like YODA, so what the hey). And got myself a nice little mission of killing 29 impy mofos to go along with my CG and off I trotted. A nice low threat CZ first.  Everything seemed to be going okay. Managed 6 and won a battle, then jumped out and in again, another 7. Nice.  Restock the multis with ammo and ...

Wait a minute... you've got to what ...?
Choose a side? But I already chose?
Every time you come to a CZ?
Nobody told me FFS!

No wonder no bonds were coming up.    

Right, Jump out and in again. Choose DUDA and we're off.  pew-pew, pew-pew. I can get the hang of this. Strafe this way, boost and turn, pew-pew. target power plant -ha! yeah!  26, 27, 28 ...
And now there's some funky new guy with blue guns coming at me.
'warning taking internal damage'  
Quick as that it was over.  Back in the starport another FDL rebuy and no bonds. Still 1 more kill on my impy mission to get (but they're all mysteriously greyed out now).

So, after that I'm careful to do a couple of runs til my multis run out of ammo then get back to the port to cash in some chips. Mind, last trip out I lost a third FDL out of sheer greed. 1-on-1 with a clipper and I had it to 6% hull but I had no shield and only 45% hull and the devil rammed me.

All in all, I'm 3 FDL down - (11.5m credits rebuy) and only recouped 3.8m in bonds and missions.  

Still, I've gone from Novice to (in)Competent combat ranking, but I think the galaxy will be better served if I sell the FDL as soon as the CG is over.

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︎2 Shiny!

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