Logbook entry

Eagle Eyed and Soaring!

13 Oct 2020Quillmonkey
Today was a much better day. The Ackwada sun shone brightly on the daily pew-pew. The missions magically reappeared so I was able to cash in those darn-nabbit impies from yesterday and snaffle a couple more massacre deals while I was at it. Better still, no more dead FDLs (though a few judicious jumps away pursued by missiles and brown trousers).

final count in the top 25% of the CG which is enough to sleep happy and cashed in about 13m cr in bonds and missions so a squeaky sneak of a profit.

Or it would have been if I hadn't then decided it would be a great idea to buy an Imperial Eagle and take it out in OPEN. Which it bleeding well was as well. But it was expensive. I'd got used to the medium intensity CZs in SOLO but suddenly I was up against anacondas, corvettes, fighters and clippers and me in my little Impy Eagle with a frag and 2 beams. It was like throwing toilet rolls at tanks. Speedy, nimble toilet rolls, sure but still paper.

And where were the DUDUs? Not a single CMDR in sight.

Second time out I sat in low intensity and watched. Didn't take sides. Remained neutral, like the UN. Except that my rating was a peg down from 'the bloke that ate their granny' they were that hostile. Once they'd finished wiping out the actual threats in the area, they still came for me despite no bonds.

Still, at only 50k rebuy it was well worth it.

Oh, and there were some nice materials dropped along the way that a grateful cargo scoop just happened to snaffle up, so thank you.

I just wonder what these global rewards may be?

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︎2 Shiny!

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