Logbook entry

The birth of the Center for Disease Control......

01 May 2021Anubis101
After months of bounty hunting in the LHS 1097 system fighting the Blue mob pirates for the local Empire government in Pemeowa, The 01st had finally amassed enough funding to purchase the squadrons second fleet carrier.......Fast forward some months ahead I sent out an urgent communication to all members of the 01st Legio Custodes.

"It's done ladies, the 2nd fleet carrier for the Legion has been completed I just received the message on my data pad from the fleet carrier administration. I have affectionately named it the CDC named after an ancient earth organization whose sole purpose was the study and catalog of all the disease's and plagues that Humanity had ever dealt with in its era. A fitting name I think given its role in the upcoming battles. Thank you to everyone in the unit who made this moment a reality and I will see you at the christening ceremony."

The CDC was a marvelous fortune class fleet carrier with a brand new black and blue paint job, the landing pads were brilliant with vibrant neon blue indicators. The engines were designed to emit a glorious blue aura out of their wake to match the theme of the rest of the carrier. I tried to barter with the administration to input my wonderfully engineered A.i. "Anubis" into the Fleet carrier but they said his program would not interface with the fleet carriers components....something about to much base line coding for theirs to interlace into their systems. So instead I opted for their Yumi class A.i.

As I made my way to the cargo hold where the party would be taking place at I could not help but stop and gaze at the bulkheads and the detail the craftsmen took into each rivet and bolt. What a wonderful piece of engineering this is..... Once I made my way into the cargo hold turned banquet hall the brandy was stacked high and the food was prepared in marvelous spreads. I cracked open a bottle of Lavian brandy and spoke out loud.

"Well I hope no one wanted me to be professional tonight....."
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︎4 Shiny!

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