Logbook entry

Feasibility Study

07 Jul 2021Kissamies
The last half of the year has been marked by big projects for Aseveljet. We grew closer to local factions like Justicar's of Helios and Brotherhood of Terra Mater. With their connections a new loose alliance of independents was formed to counter the constant federal pressure in the region. Thanks to the assistance, we were able to take over Yaringu, now our most populous system, and later on, depose the annoying Wolf 186 Inc in their home system. We traded Muraba for it to keep LYR happy. The Wolf's supporters seem to have gone, but we still have an ongoing operation to pull its fangs so it doesn't bother our allies or us again. After that we had a couple of unintended expansions, which we tried to direct to Caill Reddi, but failed.

Most recently, we had an ambitious project to consolidate our power in our systems. First of all our allies, the Rackwheel Industries Survey Company, with which we have long shared the system LFT 300 moved to Alliance space to the other side of the bubble and gave their blessing for us to take over the system. However, as this was a LYR controlled system, we negotiated and were tasked to put LHS 1573 to SIRA hands. Simultaneously, we were planning to take over Hel. We have declared HFR Corp to be a zombie faction with some active supporters but no effective leadership and its uncontrolled expansions were disturbing the local milieu. Originally the taking of Hel was supposed to happen in tandem with BoTM taking another system, but with the recent problems with anarchy factions we decided to make the move on our own.

So, as it happened, all three conflicts for taking over the systems happened simultaneously. I expected LHS to be the easy one, LFT moderate and Hel the hardest. What actually happened that we won Hel easily by carrying an overwhelming amount of cargo to Johnson Research Installation, LHS required more commitment than we thought and LFT needed much effort. Perhaps the HFR Corp is less active than I thought. LHS probably had some Federal pressure. It also went right into another war because the loser made a shrewd move to have a public holiday afterwards. Won that too and it was much easier going. Not sure who opposed us in LFT. My best guess is that it was simply some on-foot mercenary fighting for status quo. We really poured it in the last 2 days to win it and it paid off.

After that, we have been focusing on stability, keeping the unwanted expansions on check. It's the vacation month and I don't want to bother the crew with major operations.


On more personal front, I once more visited my favorite system of Cat's Paw Sector OI-T c3-51 and made some expeditions on the planets and moons. The Earthlike planet 6 is off-limits for colonisation due to its unique primodial biosphere, and I was considering alternate sites for a settlement. There are 2 terraformables in the system, the planet 5 and planet 6's moon. 5 has a dense atmosphere and terraforming it would be beyond my budget. 6a is more manageable. Terraforming it to marginal habitability might be feasible. Even without terraforming it would be a good location for a research base for studying the primodial Earthlike. We did some extensive surveying and even erected some buildings. If you detect some artifical structures, that's us. Mind the drones. They aren't programmed for hospitality. Just the standard securoty programming, I'm afraid. Got to keep things simple when you are far from civilization.

There won't probably be many changes over there in a long time. I left that project in charge of the underlings and instructed them to be as frugal as possible. Meanwhile, my protegé is experienced enough to be left in charge of faction stuff while I go exploring, so I have been preparing for an expedition. I'm lightening my carrier and collecting some extra Tritium, so I can take it with me. I just need to meet one or two more engineers to have my equipment specced to my liking. Opinion polls are surprisingly hard to find. Usually I get unsolicited opinions from people all time. Maybe I should make it a poll to shut them up.
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