Logbook entry

Booby Trap

24 Sep 2021David Darksbane
3307-09-25 04:58

Personal Log.

I'm recording this in the hopes that I can look back on this later and laugh but at the same time in case someone comes across my SRV when it's finally out of fuel and power...

I dropped into the HIP 83003 System hunting for a planet to gather materials, the 6th one had a moon that caught my eye so I cruised on over to it. That's when the Nomadic picked up a distress beacon on the surface. So, being the stand up fellow I am I decided to go in and check it out (wouldn't have hurt if there was any salvage at the beacon either)

I landed, dropped down in the scarab and sent the Nomadic into orbit, as you do on these back water planets, never know who's gonna be around to decide to start using your parked ship as target practice.

the beacon was coming from what was left of what looked like a fighter, A condor maybe? I couldn't tell for sure, there wasn't much left of her.

after a scout around and securing the area I sent out the signal to recall the Nomadic and watched her gracefully come down to me like a feather in a breeze.

and then she stayed there...

her landing gear came down but it looked like the thrusters were struggling to get to the ground. like some invisible barrier, a force field of some kind?

I don't know what the hell it is but after 3 more times attempting to recall her i sent her back into orbit and started to put two and two together..

whatever was stopping the Nomadic from landing here, probably destroyed the smaller vessel as well..

damn, I come down here setting out to help someone and end up getting caught in the same trap they did? I suppose it's my luck.

I'm sitting in the Scarab now, staring at the remains of the condor in front of me.

if anyone has found this, I hope you aren't stuck down here like I am.

and if it's me reading this down the track some time, I hope we think twice before answering distress beacons on strange planets, seriously.

We don't even know where that condor has been.
Do you like it?
︎1 Shiny!

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