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TPSP Purple Star Diplomatic Missions Part 1

24 Jul 2022Carthold Mnalguz
Today I started my session by bringing some refugees from LP 726-6 Partners and their CEO team onto my newly fitted Orca. Purple Star Diplomat. Once the passenger ramp was retracted, I took a moment to talk to the refugees in business class. The news was correct, an outbreak has started in their businesses. While the infected have been quarantined, some of their healthy family members have decided to take up some migrant agricultural contracts to help pay for their treatments. They're headed to the agricultural Sagan Orbital controlled by the FLC in Lhana, but our first stop on the way is to drop off the CEO at a Karis. Apparently there's a mining equipment expo going on at Glazkov Orbital. As I was walking to the cockpit through the first class compartment, I saw the sullen look on her eyes as she stared at her data pad. I let her know she was welcome to join me at the helm to talk politics.

As we were taking off with docking assist however, a commander came a little too close for comfort while coming in through toaster rack. The CEO laughed it off saying, "Don't worry, I'm sure its FINE(an inside dad-joke my father started in system about my flying abilities)." I tried to scan their signature, but we were out of range by the time we exited Vesalius Gateway.

During our jump, I asked her about the entire situation in system:
"Kid, if a big corporation from the Federation wants to set up shop after we made another federal corporation retreat, we can't blame them for declaring the system theirs. But I see your concern, and believing that the EDF is responsible for the outbreak during their arrival could be a false alarm. We can only hope that they expedite my companies effort to create a vaccine with advanced medicine delivery contracts. I do support your movement to move us and Commodities into a voting position behind the EDF, let's be sure that they keep the system at the forefront of their minds."

She told me not to worry about the extra influence when dropping off the refugees, she paid for their seats in business class.

After dropping off the agricultural workers, I picked up some produce from Sagan and a well-off couple who wanted to see the EDFs march into the system at Vesalius. During our cruise back towards the station from the main star, I pointed out some EDF Commanders flying through the system on my sensors. I saluted the commanders in coms, and they sent one right back at me.

Things were going well, until I opened the ramp and saw that witch from the Dragons of LP 726-6 walking up to receive my passengers.

Bah, I'll shake it off for now. I'm off to go close Kirk's Burgers for rest of the weekend.

Carthold signing off. o7
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︎3 Shiny!

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