Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Log | Entry 35-III | Audio-analysis on the Unclassified Relics' interaction with Guardian Obelisks

13 Aug 2022Yumasai
August 13th, Year 3308

Location: NNV Gamma Velorum, Jameson Memorial, Shinrarta Dezhra




Today we arrived at the second Thargoid Surface Structure, located at system MEL 22 SECTOR NX-U D2-31, planet 3 A. Gerard Aghaius told me that that I should head down and activate the machine. He'd come down later. And so, I took the NNV Key down to the surface and landed next to the structure. I hopped into my SRV and loaded in a sensor as well as the 3 remaining relics.

The entrance opened as I got close. I drove inside and proceeded to head to the machine chamber. I deposited the Guardian relics inside the receivers, after which I activated the machine. It turned haywire as expected, but I had difficulty to grab the unclassified relics. Luckily for me, Gerard showed up just in time and snatched the relics with ease (Him obviously making the better SRV driver of us two) whilst I shot down the scavengers. We headed outside the structure and back to the Key. Here, Gerard dropped the relics for me, but told me that our ways would part here, as the Admiralty Board recalled him back to the Core Worlds. He could not say more, for it was "classified business".

After saying goodbye and thanking Gerard for his assistance at the Thargoid Structures, I hopped into the Key and decided to set course for the Core Worlds as well. My research vessel, the NNV Gamma Velorum (an Anaconda), was docked at Jameson Memorial inside the Shinrarta Dezhra system. It contained like the Key a class 4 anti-corrosive cargo rack, meaning I could continue my research ventures, but with a lot more jump range to work with. It took 18 jumps, but I managed to swap ships. My next destination is Col 173 Sector DE-E c13-27 C 2, 3307's first discovered Guardian Structure, my most famous discovery to date. It is unknown if it contains any working obelisks, and I want to see if it has any which may thus help Jeremaya's experiment.

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Guardian Archeologist for the Nova Navy; Nova Paresa's Naval Arm

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