Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Log | Entry 35-IV | Audio-analysis on the Unclassified Relics' interaction with Guardian Obelisks

14 Aug 2022Yumasai
August 14th, Year 3308

Location: NNV Gamma Velorum, Phoenix Base, Meene



I am beginning this log with my arrival at the Guardian Structure located in Col 173 Sector DE-E c13-27 C 2. It looked just as imposing and awesome as back when I discovered it on May 24th, 3307. I landed and wasted no time in loading the unclassified relic onto my SRV and began driving around. As I did, I noticed that there were Guardian Sentinels now roaming the structure. I also spotted several relic towers popping out of the ground. This was very strange, because when I first drove around last year, it was completely inactive and void of any activity / working structures.

I also noticed 3 obelisks, which turned active when approaching them. The funny thing is, is that normally obelisks tend to showcase a pattern that corresponds with an item. Guess what? The obelisks here, all 3 of them, showcased the same strange pattern that did not match any known patterns to date. I quickly made a communications feed link to Canonn's Guardian Division, and they confirmed that all obelisks have been reported to showcase the same "scrambled" pattern. When asked if scanning a relic obelisk with an unclassified relic produced any sound logs, they answered that a human error caused the misconception that such obelisks produce audio logs, it instead hailing from a Thargoid surface structure. This meant that the original research question for Jeremaya has been concluded.

Alas, whilst I was there, I decided not to return to Jeremaya with empty hands. I approached one of the obelisks up close and noticed that it emitted a strange sound, over and over again. I went into the SRV's management panel and turned off everything that consumed power so that my fuel consumption was as low as possible. Then, I recorded the obelisk's sound for an hour straight onto a datapad and uploaded it to the Jeremaya's inbox as soon as it was fully gathered onto the pad.

With the actual part of the science done on my end, since it was now up to Jeremaya and his analysis tools to see if there was anything useful in the audio, I decided to head to Phoenix Base inside the Meene system. Here, I met the famous engineer, Ram Tah, and we had a great talk about our adventures and discoveries regarding the Guardian civilization. He was a bit shocked to hear that I managed to just barely escape death following the disaster with the Bright Sentinel in the aftermath of the Proteus Wave, but after taking a closer look at my eye implant, he told me that the nanotechnology found inside Guardian objects (such as my implant) had gotten to work and repaired the device on it's own. He was no doctor but he also told me that my eye itself was healing fine too, and that I should not be concerned any further about the implant; That it would be as good as new in due time. He of course did tell me to stay away from HIP 22460 if I wanted to not disturb the recovery process. Last, but not least, he was very happy that I could bring him a total of six unclassified relics, thanking me for supplying them so that his research team could get to work on deciphering what their configuration actually means. I decided to leave Ram Tah and his team to it, and departed once more for my Anaconda, the Gamma Velorum.

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Guardian Archeologist for the Nova Navy; Nova Paresa's Naval Arm

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