Logbook entry

TPSP Ganking Attempt by Earth Defense Fleet

16 Aug 2022Carthold Mnalguz
I was chilling in my mining ship before jumping out to a pristine system, when I got a message on my comms. Some dude named ADM Trevor, was at Vesalius Gateway being friendly. Asking me if I was headed to go mine or if I was selling, told him I was headed out and that I'm waiting to sell to commanders when I get to a fleet carrier. Seemed friendly enough and I sent him a friend request. Then he invited me to join his squadron, quickly I looked him up on INARA and found out he's an EDF man. Told him I'm sorry, but I'm trying to inf up my system' to prevent war and a takeover by the EDF. One of their leaders Dankbot, has already been terrorizing the inhabitants of my system to lower our security and influence after all. His bounty is too high for me to join the EDF.

Trevor didn't reply, but he accepted my request. Figured I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and try to have a line of positive communication with the EDF. I went on my way and got my osmium for LP 726-6 Free at my favorite spot. Mining away however, I was starting to worry that they might be tracking me now. I finished up with enough to complete the mission, and started jumping back to LP.

When I dropped out of hyper by the main star, I saw two empty squares on my sensor screen. I saluted in comms, and got a swift reply. Going back towards the nearby twin planets that I call home to deliver my stock, they seemed to follow me...

They wouldn't... Would they?

They did.

My defenseless mining ship creaked and groaned as an interdiction was initiated. Betrayed, I knew what to do, like many times before. I angled my ship towards one of the twins and punched my throttle. Under my breath I said to myself 'I know my home better than you do'. The light Terra Cotta planets flew towards our ships as the interdiction meter was going red.

With a loud bang, my ship collided with the gravity waves of the planet and brought me out of super cruise as I lurched forward in my seat. I decided to say something in comms as my drive was rebooting. 'Gotta love gravity.'

ADM Trevor replied back saying that if he saw me again he'd blow me up. He promptly unfriended me.

Good Riddance. He'll have to catch me first.
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︎13 Shiny!

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