Logbook entry

TPSP A Reluctant War

18 Aug 2022Carthold Mnalguz
As I was walking towards my ship to start a session, Minister Kerr broke out of my platform's lift and ran towards me yelling for me to wait up. I looked back dreading his news and asked him what was up. Sputtering, he caught his breath and then angrily started:

"We have a problem. Your problem. The Earth Defense Fleet has gained enough support in system to declare war for Vesalius Gateway. Not only that but Dank Bot is on the loose with a 330,000,00ocr bounty. What were you thinking?

"And, best case scenario if we win we get Grabe Hub." I replied.

"That's not going to happen." He said in disbelief.

"No, probably not Tom. But, I've done what I can to gain some support." I cross my arms. "You know I'll be out there ASAP when the first shots are fired bro. They may take the station but they'll never be able to drive us from the system. We are here to stay."

Kerr stared at me seriously, obviously not at ease. "That can't really be the light at the end of the tunnel for us can it? At this point, you've pissed them off enough to take everything we have. Their war with the Democrats of Masans was bloody enough, they wanted to send a message to us, to you."

I sigh... "They're the ones who broke our trust in them, they refused our initial attempts to retain sovereignty. They refused to cooperate with us for the betterment of the system when we could not have that. They are the ones who started this, with their endless hunger for systems to add to their trophy cabinet."

"You're more stubborn than them, Cart. If we can't win one of the first two days... Promise me you'll try to call off the defense and focus on getting ready for what could be coming next. Focus on refugee relocation if you can. Go and bring back some mapping data from out in the void. Go talk to the engineers for help suiting up."

He said extending his hand.

I stand there, shook. He takes his handshakes seriously. He and I have kept a handshake promise since we were lads in school. People over dogma. My frustration calms down a bit at his gesture. The EDF need to pay, but I can't be short sighted and neglect my true duty.

I shake his hand reluctantly, as I know I may not have a choice if the EDF sends more hitmen. "For peace then."

"... Remember what you said to me a while back? A war to end all wars would never end?"

"I remember... So lets not focus on this right now then, I'll go close up Kirk's Burgers and we can open up some cigars and chill in the lounge. Heck, lets invite the ladies and make a thing of it. We can't let them get to us, enough with this doom and gloom."

He laughed, "Ha, I'm warning you, Sarah will have some choice words for you."

"Guess I'll have to get out the Kamitra Cigars then."

We walk back to the lift and go back into the bowels of Vesalius Gateway.
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