Logbook entry

24 August 3308

23 Aug 2022Allura Scentrix
In the Nemehi System today. Just doing some odd jobs and starting a bit of illegal trading. Picked up some more illicit cargo from a pirate and heading to Haipeng Orbital - it's got smuggling on the info so hoping there's a black market.
Managed to land without getting scanned - however I did get scanned leaving (only because I was idle). But algae and liquor are worth nothing here - maybe check the market if I find any more.

I've come to the Lamarck Orbital to finally get a wake scanner - that way I can track the bastards when the high-tail it out of there!

Slowly making my way towards Wolf 397. I'm in this nice little region that has a few assassination jobs. Not big bucks but it's something for now.
Roughly at 6.5 million credits and I've got at least 10 bounties to cash in yet so that should be another couple of million.
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︎0 Shiny!

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