Logbook entry

26 August 3308

25 Aug 2022Allura Scentrix
I've been invited by "The Dweller" an Engineer in the Wyrd System - he specialises in thermal weapons and power. Awesome - that's 3 now I can visit and they all do different stuff!

Yesterday I did some real smuggling for the first time. Tested it out with some narcotics, tobacco and weapons. Each thing I bought made me about 50-60% profit. Not big bucks  but it was a start.
I'm going to try and find some slaves - I know a couple of systems that buy them on the black market. I feel there may be money in this if I can pull it off...

I'm in the Vaez De Torres Orbital in the LFT 1442 System. They have anti-missile gun turrets here. I've started accepting a couple of smuggling missions. I don't know if they scan here but with my silent running enabled, I managed to get my Cobra down to 0% heat so they couldn't see me anyways...
(Reminder - I've kitted my old Cobra MK III to the smuggler and I've got my new bounty hunter in storage at Lamarck Station which I haven't kitted out yet)
I'm looking forward to this new little side endeavour - I've still got to hunt but this gives me a little thrill at the moment, and hopefully I'll get my skill up enough to get more illegal operations and hopefully get info on these guys.

So that completely failed. Was supposed to take some tobacco off a guy called Thomas Thompson but I ended up killing him, getting a 5000 credit bounty (ironic, right??) and ended up in detention at Mercy's Hammer in the Alrai Sector KH-V B2-7 System. 62 LIGHTYEARS away from where I was before. Damn!
Maybe I should research more how to take someone's cargo WITHOUT killing them...
Right so now I've got a manifest scanner and a couple of hatch-breaker-limpet-thingys. Let's see if this works now. (Note - Hatch-breaker ammo is in the "Advanced Maintenance" in stations).

Success! Managed to take some cargo using the Hatch-Breakers. I get a small fine for "assaulting them" but it's minor. I'm going to try direct-chat them next time and try get them to dump their cargo.
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︎0 Shiny!

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