Logbook entry

29 August 3308

28 Aug 2022Allura Scentrix
Note to self - Kingsmill Settlement in the Ngaliba System has an Interstellar Faction Police to pay fines without getting detained.

I feel this is the best place to write shit down and remember it. One day in the future, someone might find these journals and think "weird..." but this is my memory system I guess...
Anyways, I've bought a chaff launcher (assigned to "CAPS LOCK") and the shield bank (assigned to the 'tilde' key next to the 1). I really need to get the hang of these things because my battles are getting a bit harder and these 2 things will help save my ass. Chaff launchers help enemy laser attack and the shield banks give the ships shields a good boost - both things that will assist in battle!!!

I'm having a play with influences and controlling factions of a sector. There's a Civil War in the Ngaliba System. I'm at the Nordenskiold System and helping out the Lords of Ngalbia. They're wanting some weapons so I'm going to get them and see if it makes a difference later on down the line.
I once heard someone say that the things we do can be like a pebble in a pond - if it's thrown in the right place, it can change the layout of the entire pond...
Everything we do in this system has some sort of influence at some point in time...
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︎1 Shiny!

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