Logbook entry

The Battle of Chun Pindit

Today's fighting was the fiercest of the battle so far. Previous battles at Chun Pindit C 1 and C 2 were tame compared to the battles fought by the FNS Khesma and FNS Furious. Of course, the Federation would want the toughest fights, they always have. Why would it be any different now? Anyways, I supported the Khesma on a few sorties before support could arrive from the other campaigns against the thargoids. We were undermanned in Chun Pindit for a week while 42 N Persei had a legion of pilots fighting. Regardless, the pilots here made do with far less before the support arrived. I linked up with a wing from Persei and went to support the Furious. We saw the heaviest fighting of the Chun Pindit campaign. But we prevailed every time. But the battle is far from over and there are plenty of bugs to kill and combat bonds to collect on.
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