Logbook entry

Eye of the Prophet

25 Sep 2022Gadnok

Here we have it Commanders, a one of a kind planet; confirmed by data from EDAstro and EDSM.

In our galaxy containing numerous asteroid clusters, ringed stars, and ringed planets of various atmospheric composition, Swoiphs TC-V c5-13 2 is the only ringed landable thin ammonia planet we have catalogued to date, as of September 20, 3308.

Now nicknamed "Eye of the Prophet", it is surrounded by a wide metal rich ring with a width of 0.08 ls, inside which you'll find two Platinum and one Painite hotspots, making it an excellent stop for deep space miners.

The atmosphere is composed of 76.9% Ammonia and 23.1% Sulphur Dioxide and contains surface life: namely, Bacteria Alcyoneum (Emerald).

This system (Swoiphs TC-V c5-13) is also rich in ammonia elsewhere, most notably the fourth planet, a nice looking Ammonia World, situated 1,591.6 ls from the class G main star.

I am very intrigued by this discovery, and I don't seem to be the only one. Given the extreme rarity of this ringed body, the magnificent otherworldly scenery, and ammonia which Thargoid biology is known to depend on, this discovery quickly drew attention from alien enthusiasts, especially from members of the Far God Cult.

Cultists and alien sympathizers alike have started calling the destination the Eye of the Prophet, saying the wide ring makes the planet resemble "the gaze of the Far God".

Small expeditions have been formed to travel to this area, which is only around 2,700 ly from Sol. They hope to establish a permanent colony on the surface in the next few years, with potential for an orbital outpost to welcome travellers and sightseers.

In my recent travels I managed to make first footfall and later mapping of this stellar wonder. Full credit goes to Commander Unguis for the first discovery!

I'd like to extend a sincere thank you to Commander Richard Fluiraniz for assigning me this expedition and to Commander Marx for reviewing my Galactic Exploration Catalog article. Richard is a respected expedition organizer and manager of our squadron Sidewinder Syndicate, and both of these pilots are revered members of the Independent Explorers Association.

GEC Point of Interest: https://edastro.com/gec/view/246

Happy exploring, o7

- Commander Gadnok
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