Logbook entry

Death of a Friend, Chapter 6

20 Feb 2023MdN
Date: Late July 3230
Location: Somewhere in the Alioth system
Setting: It's the height of Alioth's war of independence

Chapter 6

Mars and Minerva guided them over the town on the way in. From altitude it had looked like the usual urban sprawl, but the descent had betrayed the horrors of war. An occasional building stood proud amid carnage. Odd walls with holes where windows had once been stood at random like dominoes, surrounded by nothing. It was the same for miles in all directions. Even for a hardened warrior like Campbell, this was a harsh sight. Mindless carpet bombing, there was no gain from this destruction.

Sitting in the cockpit of the Type 7, Campbell heard all the warning alarms of inbound missiles. The pilot had taken evasive action the first few times, but their shadow-like guide had indeed surprised them with the efficiency of the cover it provided. Electronic counter measures unleashed from the Cobra confused most of the inbound threats, for the odd ones that remained he'd watched as Richard swung the ship to face the missile and poked them one by one with accurate laser fire. He hadn't even seen most of the missiles until a bright fireball lit up the sky to announce: threat neutralised.

It was hard to impress Campbell, but Richard and his Cobra were doing that.

The Type 7 descended further. He could see where they were heading now. A long, tree lined boulevard had once run through the centre of town. Between its four lanes, and a two lane street running parallel with it, were what Campbell assumed had been a row of glamorous store fronts and other important buildings. Four blocks, split by the usual criss-cross of perpendicular thoroughfares stood out along that boulevard. The temple was at the head of the last block. Behind it the rest of the block lay in ruins leading up to a major intersection - a big open space that would once have been crowded with vehicles. Campbell pointed towards it and nudged the pilot.

"That's our LZ," he said, and received a worried nod as confirmation. What else was waiting for them down there? So little cover to hide behind.

This was going to be a hot one, he could already see Imps running around, trying to edge closer to the temple. Soon the less experienced ones among them would start aiming fire in their direction. Personal weaponry was no threat to the big transport ship though.

He was about to open comms with his escort to request a ground barrage around the LZ, but Richard was suddenly on it. Multi-cannons raked the boulevard clearing it in seconds. Every Imp hurried for cover, those choosing the ruins on the temple's block were soon too dead to realise their mistake. The Mars and Minerva pounded every square metre, kicking up dust and debris in a big cloud. When Campbell noticed the multi-cannons stop for reloading, bright laser fire took over. The glow as light pierced the dust cloud would have been considered pretty under different circumstances.

"This is a hot LZ boys, you know the drill, there's no time for sightseeing," Campbell heard Staff shouting in the back.

As the Type 7 made it's final approach, his own pilot joined in the strafing, unleashing four small multi-cannons into the ruins ahead of them. It wasn't aimed, changing directions as the pilot manoeuvred for landing, but it was enough to encourage any Imps ahead of them to keep their heads down.

He heard the hydraulic whine of the loading ramp lowering before they touched down, and the bark from his four squad machine gunners laying down suppressive fire out the back of the ship. There was no doubt the Imps on the ground knew his team had arrived now. Occasionally there was the clang of small arms fire hitting the hull. That was going to increase dramatically when his men made their move.

"Smooooooke!" came the yell from the back, as smoke grenades were lobbed just prior to landing.

"Go, go, go!" yelled Staff as the fire teams sprinted for their targets, and Campbell rushed out of the cockpit to join the assault down the rear ramp. He ran across the intersection heading for his own chosen spot among the rubble. To his left one fire team took cover on the corner overlooking the single carriage way; on his right he caught a glimpse of his second team taking ownership of the boulevard. Woe betide any Imps bold enough to approach those roads.

Once safely ensconced in the ruins, Campbell checked on his own team. They were already scouting out a safe route to the temple. The plan had been discussed on the flight, they needed no further direction as they grappled with the unknowns and improvised a safe passage.

One by one each of the four man fire teams reported in via their comms. Overwatch was first, perched in the only building still standing close to the temple.

"A team, set."

From their vantage point they could direct fire from the other teams, but drawing attention to their valuable nest would be a last resort; their weapons would remain locked as long as possible. Campbell had seen B and C move into position, but could see neither now. They were next to report.

"B team, set."

"C team, all set."

It was efficient and terse from hours of practice and the experience of veteran soldiers. Twelve experts watched the broken buildings around about. Another four stumbled, diligently, through the bricks towards the temple, marking out safe spots as they went. Campbell and his Staff Sergeant enjoyed a brief moment of calm before the hell they knew would soon erupt fell upon them.

"I only hope we're in time," Campbell whispered to his NCO.

"The temple looked intact on approach," Staff replied.

The fog of war was always uncertain.
They would know soon enough.
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