Logbook entry

Shiplog #1

07 Apr 2023_nailz_
Shiplog #1

Location: Rescue ship Bertschinger

Is it recording? <<Yes Commander>> Okay, good...

I'm not one for logs, hell, I've been involved in some super dodgy deals over the years that would get me busted down a grade or two, but, here I am.

I've made a lot of credits from this war, a lot. I didn't think I would feel this way after the fact, but, I can't help but feel it's wrong on some level. Yes, I know we need to defend ourselves, but we did this.

I've got myself a shiny new carrier, with all the bells and whistles, a Victory class at that! I've got a ship for any type of mission I may need to do docked. Prismatic shields all purchased and safely tucked away should I ever need them, AX weapons, Guardian tech, engineered modules too.

Killing 'goids by the dozens doesn't feel right now. We're doing Salvation's dirty work, and that coffin dodgin' old bastard may still be out there, somewhere, destined to outlive us all.

I don't know why I'm doing this log, but if anyone does read it, know this, I'm no warmonger. What I want to do now is save innocent, pfft innocent! Errr, yeah, save innocent people from the 'goids. Flying to and from HIP 2422 with 160 plus soles on board all day has had me thinking.

What the fuck did humanity do to itself...

End recording
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