Logbook entry

Log 21.6.3309, All guns blazin'

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This is CMDR Suttorad. These two weeks were very interesting. It began with the bartendress colapse, then followed classic western-like stand off in the bar and ended up with the station surrounded with some crime lord guys.

Bar stand off mentioned me that I should do something with my personnal arsenal. I have in it some good picks, but probably the situation will require something better. I got idea. Why not to use the components from the Guardian Plasma Charger and the Gauss which are only lying in storage? So I took them to the workshop and started with modifiing them to the handheld weapons. I visited Pioneer Supplies at the concourse to buy some components, which were missing.

When I was almost done with them, I was visited by local authorities. They needed to kill some wanted guy. They offered pretty good reward, so I accepted it. I took my ex-AX hunter Krait, the Jetfire and the hunt was set. Though, I was required to outfit FSD Interdictor to pull target from Supercruise, since I had some tips about him, that he will be cruisin' around system.

Get behind him was not the easiest task, since he had Fer-de-lance and I had Krait, which is bit more bulky. But he made mistake, which allowed me to wrench him out from the Supercruise. Combat was though, but I didn't surrender. After 20-25 minutes of combat, target was dead.

When I was scanning wreck of his ship, I found on one wing or something like that, shrapnel with sign readable only partialy. There was: Venger. This seems like something what I know. The Vengerfield. Some crime lord in the Bubble. I heard about him once at the bar. In that western-like stand off.

About happenings in the bar I don't have much to log. So I will move to the another day. I was again finishing my guns, but like yesterday, I get interrupted be authorities. They needed clear Nav Beacon, but they didn't had enough free personnel. So I took the Atomic Bunker, my T-10, with my friend onboard. He used XG7 Trident mainly and I was at helm of the T-10. We scored a lot of kills, some pretty good. We almost get even the Dangerous Anaconda, but it high waked out. But on the other side, the funniest and probably the best thing on bounty hunting with the T-10, the Ramming, was not succesfull-target every time missed me. Annoying, if is known, that ram can kill shields on good tuned Krait. After this log recording, I will go announce to the bar event organized by me. Rifles must to wait. That's all for now. Fly safe out there, commanders.

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