Logbook entry


27 Jun 2023Salmonea
I allways choosed bars and pubs where nobody knows me. I want be alone with my thoughts. Probably its not good idea, because my thoughts are very often defective.

Its been a long time when I killed last thargoid. Maybe 3 months, or half of year? I dont remember. Its so repetive and I am tired of this. Yea, yea we will give you money for every dead bug, but where is the point? Fighting for strangers against another strangers?

Sometimes I am thinking those people deserve it. They deserve punishment. Damn... I am starting think like those idiotic cultists. Hah.. How many drinks I have to swallow to resolve this shit?

I miss those days when Thargoids were just weird neighbors and we can met like old friends to compare strenght.

And now they are pushing me ,,do the right thing, help the humanity, you have to do this because you know how!"

You know what? I will remain here in drunk delirium until at least one single soul will tell me some shit of style ,,Thank you. You really changed something. I am not just some statistic number. I am human beign and you saved me."

Naah... I am speaking shits, gimme another!
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