Logbook entry

La naissance de la lumière...

05 Jul 2023N.Copernicus
As I was doing a bit of research on Aisling Duval today, I thought it might not be a bad idea if I created a wallpaper for Aisling Duval fans. Aisling is getting on in years, she seems childish and not very erotic or even like a princess of the Empire.

I very much feel that characters should include a theme that also draws your character and "childlike" alone is not enough. When I think of a "childlike" princess, I immediately think of The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, where the name and protagonist matched. Grandiose films are always a success of a special design, especially in science fiction. What would have happened if Jodorowsky hadn't commissioned Giger and Jean Giraud aka Moebius to create the designs for Dune - the Desert Planet. Even the noble houses have different and unique designs, like the Harkonnen, the House of Adreides or the Emperor Sdaddam IV.

So I designed the new Aisling Duval, thought about combining things from the game that are familiar with the character. So a lot of my attention went to Low Temperature Diamonds, which one or two players had mined. One of the most valuable trade goods in the Elite Dangerous universe. To further enhance her look and give her a theme for her costume, I chose a Low Temperature Diamonds necklace to flatter her blue eyes and accentuate her swan neck and majesty.

I think the diamonds go well with her dress and her look. My version of Asiling wears your hair up, which also accentuates your neck. It makes you feminine and kind of reminds me of the 5 of Terra by Esteban Maroto. It's just as much more erotic, a mixture of fire and ice. The coldness of aristocracy combined with the fire of a beautiful woman who wins men's hearts with her eyes.

A goddess, an idol that is intangible, far away and yet close. I think I have succeeded in expressing this in my design, the fire and the ice, the beauty and the cold, the love and the despair. I love this figure, these eyes in which the soul can sink, this blue in a sea of silence and security. Your appearance in an asteroid field, carried out by one of the most beautiful ships in the series, also fits the theme very well, because the universe has a temperature of -270°C, so it is 3°C above this absolute physical zero. Anyway, the main thing is that you like it.

So okay, let´s get back in the cockpit, thinking of Aisling and listening to lenny...

All that I want is
Stillness of heart
So I can start
To find my way
Out of the dark
And into your heart

o7 - N.Copernicus
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︎1 Shiny!

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