Logbook entry

Log 20.7.3309 Guardian guns in my hands

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Good afternoon, CMDR Suttorad is speaking. I was for three weeks quiet, because I had something to do on the planet surface. Handheld hybrid guns testing.

This all started about month ago, in the bar at Citi Gateway. As I mentioned in sooner logs, there was western-like stand off. Some guy was pointing sawed off shotguns on some people in the bar. This reminded me to check my arsenal. I found two silenced carbines, silenced (really lol) rocket launcher and something like sniper rifle for kids. Then I spotted something. It was uninstalled Guardian Plasma Charger lying in my warehouse. Behind it, was Gauss cannon. Both were under thick layer of the dust. I got idea: why don't modify them to handheld versions?

After week of grinding parts from normal and shady sources, I was ready to begun work on the guns. But two times I got interrupted by local authorities, to clean up system from hooligans. After my return, I went to bar to announce event, which didn't take place due my absence. But this all I already logged, so move on the new stuff.

After return from the bar, I finaly had time to complete guns. I modified Gauss to extremely powerful but heavy sniper rifle. In magazine are 5 rounds, but with one round it can take out probably 15 scavengers with shields on (if they will be in perfect line which is almost impossible) even from half of kilometer away. Another drawback aside weight of it, is size. It is longer by 30 centimeters than Manticore Executioner. Rate of fire is worser too, since it has shot delay like ship mounted Gauss. And I forgot to mention-typical Gauss charging sound and glow.

Plasma Charger found application in automatic carbine or smg like weapon. My old friend gave me one of his P90 smg, which was one of his best guns in collection. Not by performace, but rarity. That thing was old minimaly 200 years and manufactured on the Earth. Even it was special edition since it was one of last guns which their manufacturer make. He said to me that P90 had enough of display time, in my hands it will be better. So I took body and horizontaly mounted magazine and forged it with Plasma Charger. Result is quite compact but again, quite heavy. It has large, 50 round magazine. In shooting terms, it is definetily better than Karma AR 50 or C-44 or Takada's counterparts. Maximum firing range in long bursts is 50 meters due big recoil, but 3 round mode is available which is accurate up to 100 meters. Damage is bigger, too. The biggest drawback, with which I encountered during testing, was high probabilty of jammed loading mechanism hidden in magazine. I forgot to mention, that long burst mode (25 shots) need something like charge up time- 3 or 4 seconds. During this, specific sound and glow are present like on ship mounted Plasma Charger.

In 3 shot mode, it is good choice for covert operation, since sound and glow are not present and charge time is less than second. Drawing of them will be in standalone log.
Link later, probably tomorrow
I am much more happy with them than with old arsennal. That's all for now, fly safe CMDRs.

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