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CMDR Yumasai's Log | Entry 37 | The Guttors Campaign & Gold Delivery

28 Aug 2023Yumasai
August 28th, Year 3309

Aboard the NNV Augustus Duval. System: Delta Hydri


The Guttors Campaign

Starting on August the 23rd 3309, the Guttors system held general elections authorized by the dictatorship of the Party of Sieganga. The dictatorship would champion that since they had replaced the Elite Space Wings as system governors, that they had brought many citizens freedom, wealth and wellfare. None could be less truthful, for the dictatorship governed with an iron fist. Indeed, citizens were "free", had increases of wealth and enjoyed a better state of life, but only under the yoke of the dictatorship itself; Imperial Citizens that refused to work with or even recognise the dictatorship were reportedly repressed and their ventures undermined.

To that extend, the Nova Navy caught wind of the situation and had deployed to the system. The dictatorship relunctantly agreed with Imperial Warships now taking over most duties of their own local security forces. The arrival of the warships brought also up the idea in the minds of citizens that they could in theory vote for Nova Paresa and remove the dictatorship from power. This thought appealed to many citizens, as Nova Paresa has a wonderful track record of improving everybody's situation. The motto used by the Nova Paresa front? The same as once spoken by the ex-Imperator himself; Hadrian Augustus Duval: “We stand for an Empire that respects everyone, from slaves to senators. I truly hope that any who value honour and tradition will help keep our spark alive.”

The election window was closed on August 27th 3309. It was clear that Nova Paresa had won the elections with 34.6% of the vote. The Party of Sieganga managed to get 26.8% of the vote, with the remaining % distributed in smaller portions across the other political entities within the system. Almost immediately, all Imperial Internal Security Service vessels were rebranded with emblems that stand for Nova Paresa's IISS detachments. Onfoot security forces also received their new patches. And now with Guttors under the control of Nova Paresa, the citizens can rejoice, for their lifes will improve, whilst their system shall be secured by Nova Navy warships.

Gold Delivery

On August 25th 3309, amidst the Guttors election, Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval made a news statement on GalNet. The Archduke had started an initiative to supply gold, jadeite and platinum to Kummer Acropolis in the Laedla system for the construction of several statues to honour the Duval Dynasty, whom have reigned over the Empire for over a thousand years.

The Augustus Duval was ordered to load up on gold at Yupini. 2 days later, the carrier was to move to the Delta Hydri system. From here, we have unloaded all the gold. "We", referring to the combined efforts of myself, Krymbo, Lucius Astathor and a man only going by the codename of "Ironwatsas".

We hope that these units of fine gold shall be used to construct only the most magnificient statues in honour of the Duval Dynasty, long may they reign. Ave!


I wish to extend my personal thanks to:
Commander Ironwatsas
Commander Lucius Astathor
Commander Krymbo

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Member of the Frumentarii; Serving in the Nova Navy
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