Logbook entry

Log 1.9.3309, Thanks to hated I am Elite

I will act here as I was investigate Dedicant wreck, but in the reality I saw only videos about logs

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This is CMDR Adam Štefánik. Past weeks were very interesting. I was transitioned from hunt on slaver named Diaz to investigate missing people. So begun with investigation on only place where was possibility to find something. The wreck of Dedicant.

When I jumped out from the supercruise, I spotted something which I have seen many times when I was AXI volunteer pilot. Green corrosive cloud around wreck of the megaship, on which were marks from the Caustic goo. Without doubts, it was under Thargoid attack. How big, or which types of their ships appeared, we don't know. No records, no eye witnesses. Only 5 logs from prisoners and federal agents, each of them split into two messages.

When I heard logs 3 or 4 times already, I decided to return to the Citi Gateway in the Inara system, to take pause from that terrifying logs. After docking, I logged out from duty and headed to the bar. I took bar stool and placed my Hutton mug on bar counter. "After duty, so Lavian brandy as usualy, Detective?" barman asked and I replied: "Yeah, I am after duty, but this time something alcohol free, ok?" Barman answered: "Ok, as you wish, Detective." and filled my mug with fruit juice.
I was about to turn to the windows and watch traffic, but suddenly my datapad interrupted me. There was Galnet article about distant Thargoid encounter.

"Hmmm, I should check that, it may posses some answeres on my questoins" I said in my thoughts and drunk all mug on one time. Then I turned to the barman and from pocket I pulled out chip with credits. I said: "I will pay, today I dont have much time" Barman, with little curious look scanned chip and I was free to go. I saluted to barman, then I left the bar and headed to the closest Fleet Carrier for hire service. I ordered ride to the Wregoe BU-Y b2-0, sytem mentioned in Galnet article. Until depart of Fleet Carrier, I had one day.

"So what to do to kill some time?" I asked self in thoughts, but particulary knowing answer. Answer was to earn some credits. So I took a look in the trade database in my datapad and discovered active community goal. My first thought was "Go for it!", but when I saw system distance, I was degusted a little. But it got even worse than system 200 light years from me. Community goal was created by Imperials. Which I , uh let's say, I don't like. Particulary because slavery, and then feudal politcs base. No, I am not communist, but democrat.

But when I saw 900% rise of demand prices, there was nothing to stop me. Even the fact that I dont like Imperials. So I booked shuttle to the Laedla. When we docked, I disembarked and set on the journey to the local Inter Astra. I was hoping there would be Type 9 Heavy for sale. Yes, there was. I bought it and in hour it was ready. 724 tons of cargo and really good armor, shields and the FSD.

I was familiar with cockpit very quickly because I own Type 10, which has identical cockpit. I searched for best price of the gold, other commodities were already of the shelves and is rare to spot Fleet Carrier with them for sale. For gold I have found good deal-in the system Aurgel, 12 light years far, there was Fleet Carrier selling ton of gold for 60 000 credits per ton. Stock was solid too, 9000 tons. So I filled Type 9 to the roof and begun with ol' good space truckin'.

I did more than 6 runs, but on every run, there was Imperial defence ship trying wrench me out from supercruise. Because I am Fed or what? But none of tries were succesful-I was paralyzed for moment that with this flyong appartment block I evaded interdiction. Result of that space trucking in last hours of community goal was 5000 tons of gold hauled by me and earnings were billion credits and something, which I never believed to happen. I was normally trading with Krait-I used concept of armed hauler. I will tear up pirate trying to steal my cargo sooner than he realize I have guns aboard. Of course, only if he was wanted. Otherwise, I simply boosted away and thanks going to ex-AX G5 dirty thrusters. Back to the topic. With Krait and regular prices, rank rose very slowly after I reached Broker. But this time, it was rising like mad. After last run, when I sold load, I received two messages. From Pilots' Federation and Founders World permit. That meant only one thing. I am Elite!

So thanks to the Imperials, but I will avoid them again if it is not neccesary to work for them or with them. I will go for the shower, then probably throw party at headqauters, I will see, because not lot of us have Elite rank. Doesn't matter which one. Then I will go check bar, and wait until owner of Fleet Carrier give me permission to board it. But before depart on the Fleet Carrier, I will log in for the duty to make it official. This is all what I have for now.

Godspeed commaders, fly safe and legaly.

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