Logbook entry

Log 8.9.3309, Not so-distant exploration trip

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This is Adam Štefánik, Omni Pol detective. Since not so much happened when I was out of bubble, to investigate distant Guardian site, I will keep this brief.

So when I arrived, I quickly hopped in the Millennium Falcon,
Krait Phantom, not Corellian YT-1300
and took off from the carrier. Thanks to thrusters borrowed from the Jetfire, I soon engaged supercruise. When was jump to the supercruise complete, I searched for non-human signals. There weren't any so I turned my attention to the closest moon of this system.

There were recorded as Guardian sites, as crashed Interceptors. Strange, not? And even more, when this is in system 1500 ly far from the nearest Thargoid occupied system and minimaly same distance from the nearest Guardian site. I didnt spotted anything strange, only when I was leaving structure, I didnt destroyed last two or three Sentinels. I board ship with SRV and take off to see, what that Sentinels do. Because was announced their strange behaviour when some conditions were met. But I obviously didn't met them all.

I didn't have more time since carrier was there only on turn trip so I returned to it and safely landed. Way back was uneventfull, so I only relaxed aboard my ship. After we arrived, I departed as soons as possible, and headed to the my headquaters at Citi Gateway, Inara. After I logged everything, I signed off from duty and headed to the bar.

Nah, it was not brief. That's me. When I spool up, I can't brake. So fly safe and by regulations, Commanders.

... Recording ended ...
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