Logbook entry

Personal log entry - Commander's record: Secrets of Gamma [3/3]

17 Sep 2023N.Copernicus
Date: 10. September 3309

Entry 3/3

The object Kiefers had nudged with his foot gave a short buzz and fell silent. "What is that?", asked Sanders. "It's a K23 - a personal AI and also data storage. Strictly speaking, it's the control unit. Some have had an interface implanted. This then transmits information to the K23, which uses an AI to assist the human mind. Kind of like an augmented memory and help", Summers said, starting to pull a bundle of cables with a device out of his backpack. "Some used to get these things to be more effective or to get rid of loneliness. But also for medical reasons, when parts of the brain were damaged. Or even as brain pacemakers, for pathological disorders. But they were expensive. After all, I didn't lug around all this old hardware for nothing - ah - and thanks Rodriges, for carrying it", Summers said as he tried to connect the cables to the K23.

Rodriges gave a quick wave and nodded at Summers. "So what are you going to do with it?", asked Sanders, looking questioningly at Kiefers. "Well, what do you think? I'm trying to find out what the dead person or persons had put on his or her data storage before. But that's not so easy, because the data is protected, of course. So I try to download the thing completely from the data storage. Here I don't have the right means to crack the code key", Summers said as he continued to work on the K23. "Roy, you're brilliant - good idea to drag the old thing along", Kiefers told Summers. "Well, I have sometimes my bright moments - not always but I try, as you can see", Summers grinned at Kiefers. "You mean some kind of brain implant? Why, that's forbidden! Way too much crap has been done with those things", Sanders snorted. "And that's why we have K23, the personal AI with no uplinks to other networks, because the basic idea wasn't bad after all. Wait a second... okay, I've got it now. So friends, I'm going to pull everything I can get", Summers said as the buzzing sounded again from the K23. "Download finished!", announced the device from Summers, who smiled contentedly from both ears.

Sergeant Okuma looked at the station's old antennae, which stretched out like fingers of steel into the blackness of space towards the stars. I wonder how often some of the team of this station followed the same gaze? Perhaps in thoughts of friends and relatives? Of what they had left behind? No, certainly not, for those who set off into the unknown at that time were expendable. The same selection as on all the special-ops: Sporty, takes risks, exposes himself to dangers, makes quick decisions, is duty-conscious, loyal to the state, career in mind , single, no ties, no mourners and no questions. Okuma slightly quirked the corner of his mouth and thought to himself. With experience you learn - he thought. And you only then see things more clearly. Then he put the thought aside again, for he had respect for the achievement behind the mission. The outward journey to Gamma alone took half a year, exposed to constant danger, secured only by an auto-field maintenance unit, as an expensive experimental device. Sirius Corporation's Frameshift technology had greatly simplified travel through the Cosmos. After decades of secretive development, it was launched in 3297, rendering all other hyperdrives obsolete.

"Sergeant!", shouted Specialist Pears who was piloting the Scorpion's turret gun. "There's something on the Scorpion's scanner! It's gone again now", Pears followed up. "What do you mean Pears? You must be mistaken! We´re not alone on this rock? ", asked Okuma, glancing at his scanner in a flash. "Negative Pears! There's nothing there, you got it wrong!", said Okuma as the Scorpion's shields flared under a violent detonation. The armoured vehicle was jerked around like a toy, spun around its longitudinal axis and landed crashing back on its gear, which absorbed the shock. "Damn it!!! Where the hell did that come from? Are you okay?!", yelled Okuma, blowing up the Scorpion's power units to bring the combat vehicle out of the fire zone. "Yeah, still there. Uh, my head, but all right! Deflector shields at 30, no structural damage. There, there it is! Look at it, a second Scorpion! Damn it, it's locked on to us! Missile incoming! Evade!!!", shouted Pears, turning the battle turret in a flash as Okuma chased the Scorpion behind a building. The missile missed the Scorpion and slammed into the Food Growth Building, behind which the vehicle took cover. A red fireball shattered the silence. Pieces of steel, aluminium tubes, special plastic and shredded frozen plants of all kinds were hurled across the surface. "How many opponents Pears?", shouted Okuma - who was now diverting energy into Scorpion's shields and weapons. "One - at nine o'clock. Locked on, ready for countermeasures!", shouted Pears. "Fire clearance granted Pears, let hell lose!", replied Okuma, moving the Scorpion into firing position.

End of entry EOF
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