Logbook entry

Log 31.10.3309 Rescue in the void, Part 2

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It has been some time, since my last log. So let's begin with story, but firstly, I am CMDR Adam Štefánik, OmniPol detective.

Before few weeks, I embarked on the exploration trip around galaxy. Almost two first weeks were normal, but that changed on Day 13. We were in most distant system in this galaxy accesible with standard ship- the Beagle Point. I took my ship to explore this system, because FSD of Fleet Carrier had a malfunction and required extensive repairs. For our luck, it was still fixable with materials which were on carrier.

As I've said, I took this as opportunity to explore system. After take off from one of the planets where I was landed, my comms catched distress signal from beacon. It was heavy damaged and from that I had only few information about ship in distress. Pilot was Silvia Sharpe and FSD was in non-functional state.

I was sweeping whole system, when new transmission reached me. It was from Hull Seal. I was pleased to hear it, because if only half which was recorded in beacon is true, they don't have big chance of survival, since I am not outfitted as rescue ship. So I with Hull Seal formed wing and asked him if he can detect something. He had Anaconda, which has much better sensors than my dowgraded ones.

After while, we found very weak signal and it could be only one thing-heavily damaged ship. Since their FSD was inoperable, they can't jump out from supercruise. I searched for some method in QRH and I got idea: What about Interdictor? I sweeped my module tab to see if I have it installed. It was. So I aligned with them, and I interdicted ship classified as Krait Phantom. Interdiction was succesful only from half, I dropped as I wanted but damaged Phantom didn't slowed down for sone seconds minimaly.

Then on scene has appeared Hull Seal, and right after his report of arrival, something happened. Damaged Phantom slowed down. I didn't see their speed indicator, it was only my humble guess since it was not floating away so fast. I hit boost button and I have said to Seal: "Try to catch me, you willbe required. Now I must think how to stop them." Until I overtook damaged Phantom, it took some time. Now was required some communication. But how to communicate with prpbably deaf ship? I turned Flight Assist off and positioned my Phantom's cockpit in front of damaged one. While I was manuevring, I've got idea. Use lights and Morse code.

I signalised to them my intetions and after then, I pitched my Phantom by 90 degrees down and I used landing thrusters to slow us down. It was succesful. After we stop, I turned back my Phantom to see cockpit of damaged Phantom. I have tried to speak over comms, but no reply. So I reported situation to Seal, which was closing to us. I've got another idea. I runned from cockpit to comms room and found here some paper and pen. I writed something on it and then showed to crew inside damaged Phantom. In it's cockpit I'seen Silvia and other woman, her friend ir what, now I've forgotten that.

I showed signs which I wrote and then I heard Silvia's voice: "Adam, what the hell are you doing there?!"
But I didn't respond and showed them that repair ship-Hull Seal is on way. After ten seconds, I heard transimmision from him: "I am there, firing repaor limpets" He sent some limpets and when they did what they shoul, Silvia was speeking over comms. Then, I explained my presence here and offered better option to do full check and repair than planetside landing as Silvia proposed. "No, carrier would be safer," I have said.

She agreed and said thanks to me and Hull Seal. I semt him thanks too, without him god knows how it would end. He dismissed first, me and Silvia right after him. Sone light seconds before carrier, my ship's COVAS alerted me: "Warning, teammate has activated FSD"
What the hell, I though and I wanted to said something but it was late. Silvia's Phantom called Nemento Mori, was gone.

After 2 weeks

I am back, at Citi Gareway in Inara, from explo trip and what happened with Silvia still haunts me. Since then, I haven't heard word about her. That's all for today

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