Logbook entry

CMDR's Log - Supplemental - Frame Date 11 November, 3309 - Title: CMDR No0delZ leaves retirement

::CMDR's Log - Supplemental::
::Frame Date: 11 November, 3309::

It's been just a few months since I've returned from retirement. Ousted once more into the void by the siren's call.
Each time I thought about space in my down time it all kept going back to the Raxxla. The call became an itch then turned to a yearning in this vagabond's heart. Not answering was not an option.

I dusted off the old Anaconda. Still in good shape. Just like I left her all those years ago.
"Hello Commander." K.I.C.S. greeted as I stepped onto the deck.
"It's good to hear your voice again, KICS."
She was an older model ship computer, manufactured... no manufactured is a bad word. It's too mechanical. She was made by Ripley Galactic back in 3304. At some point the designer, CMDR Arflint retired. She received some minor support upgrades throughout the years, but these days getting maintenance is harder and harder. I've had to resort to extending her functions myself... but I've never once thought of replacing her. It's just not an option. She's been with me through countless battles and discoveries and never once broken down. The ship breaks down. K.I.C.S. remains.

I checked the comms channels - the galaxy had changed since my absence. Technology had advanced. The second war with the Thargoids was and still is in full force.

Since returning, I've retrofitted the Anaconda and purchased plenty of additional modules with the remnants of my savings from that long journey into the big black.

I found myself needing funds. Significantly more. The search for what is hidden is a slow enough crawl, with lots of time spent idly researching, taking notes, or in supercruise. No need to compound delays with rebuys, mission targets that take the better part of an hour to bring down, or just having inefficient modules. Not to mention, the opportunities that "greasing" the right palms can open. That all takes credits.

I got a tip off from CMDR iMetal, a recent contact from the Independent Raxxla Hunters comm channel. He told me that the war effort was ramping up - and for independent pilots it was proving extremely lucrative.
We're talking billions in bounty credits for a fraction of the time I spent in the void. So I set off for the nearest Thargoid spire site. When I arrived, it was quickly apparent that flying solo for this endeavor would be woefully inefficient.

That was when I joined up with the Anti-Xeno Initiative. AXI. A member of their leadership, CMDR Mechan, posted a number of guides and instructions to introduce new and returning pilots such as myself to Xeno combat. Simple enough.
I stored the unneccessary modules and geared up with what was necessary.
"30 million credits..."
That was about all I had left when I was done. "Oh well." I thought. Apparently I would make that back and so much more in short order.

... a week later I was billions of credits richer. An amount of money I would have thought impossible to make on the aggressive schedule I've set for myself.

The adventure was a lot of fun. Many credits were made, Thargoids were killed. Progress was made for humanity. But was it though? We've moved the line, but something bigger is going on out there. I have a feeling that the Raxxla is at the heart of it all.

I want to say a special thank you to CMDR TooterBooter for getting me out of a bind.
During my adventures at the spire I decided to land on one of the spire's petals. My ship was soon under attack and by the time I got to it, it was in pieces. Before I returned to the landing pad I did manage to recover some spire materials, but feared the worst.
Alone and on foot, quickly running out of energy and oxygen I started burning through consumables to keep alive.
Just as I was about to send out a distress signal, an Imperial Cutter landed and sent authorization for boarding.
I spent the next few hours playing fighter pilot to this great Commander, gaining more credits and having a lot of fun while doing it.
O7, sir. Thanks for the pick up. Oh and uh... sorry for mixing you up with CMDR Fluxorbit in a story I may have sent to some shady folks I met in a station back alley a few days ago... they know who they are. *smirks*

The rest of the story... well.. I've gone on long enough, so I'll keep it short. I spent some time gathering materials and rep for various engineers, obtained a few permits, upgraded the Anaconda further and rolled off the lot with the first Inquisitor-class ship. I've given her the name "Sword of Revelation."
Together we will pierce through the veil of secrets hidden in this galaxy. It begins with the ones hidden in plain sight, and how they relate to the legendary CMDR Michael Brookes and his version of the hero's journey.
If anyone knows where Raxxla is, it's Mike Brookes.

"Yes, Commander?"
"Trip the rift."
"Engaging Frameshift Drive."
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︎2 Shiny!

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