Logbook entry

The Inquisition - FD: 18 Nov, 3309 - Communications Array Delta 69 correlation

::Mission Log - The Inquisition - Possible Communications Array Delta 69 Correlation:::
::Frame Date: 18 November, 3309::

This is the first report for The Inquisition.

While pouring over the companion documents of The Inquisition I came across an article for the AJN Lion, a Navy Battlecruiser. The article was dated April, 3276.
Its mission: Investigate the LRA - Liazeda Radio Anomaly.
The article (found in the "Alioth" archives) mentions some key points -
• A generalized and unshakeable feeling of uneasiness among the crew.
• A disastrous encounter with a "large" unidentified object in space.
• The absolute and immediate disappearance of the ship and crew.
• The object generated a gravity of 0.1 Gs.

This sounded familiar.
Further correlation searches brought me back to an article from Canonn Research Group about Communications Array Delta 69 and the similar events surrounding it.

The crew of Communications Array Delta 69 discovered a body during patrol that reportedly "belonged to the member of a ship that disappeared." Could it have been The Lion? The specific ship is not identified.
What followed was a series of similar events, with some additional details.
• A feeling of uneasiness spread throughout the team of Communications Array Delta 69.
• A radio transmission was detected from some point ~10km away from the station.
• A "massive" object with a gravitational field of 0.1 Gs is detected from the object.
• The crew of Communications Array Delta 69 then seemingly vanish without a trace, leaving the installation uninhabited as determined by a later visit from a "Recovery Team 963."

From here, things differ, and become… weird.
• No visual confirmation of the object's presence could be confirmed.
• The signal began transmitting from the crew members themselves.
• The affected crew members could be identified by some indication of their eyes.

This doesn't directly confirm a link between the two events, but does present similarities. This may warrant a follow up as part of The Inquisition.

I've just returned from that… site-seeing… endeavor. Thanks again for setting my head straight. The trip back was completely uneventful.

Make sure to credit CMDR Corr "Morningstar" Felian [EXMP] in the writeup. He offered some additional context that I will send over separately.

Akbul's findings, pure as the clear waters of a spring.

~CMDR No0delZ
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