Logbook entry

The Inquisition - FD: 21 Nov, 3309 - The Hunt for Liazeda

::Mission Log - The Inquisition - The hunt for Liazeda:::
::Frame Date: 21 November, 3309::


I see your point. If
and the Liazeda events are on the same path, it's possible that what we're looking for is on its own orbit or travel path through the Galaxy. That's going to make finding it difficult... but it gives us a place to start.
I have no idea yet how we're going to calculate speed - let alone path, from just two dates and locations. There has to be something else we're missing. Some obscure reference or other related event.

Then there's the subject of Liazeda's location.
I pulled up the old maps from before the
. Crazy that they thought no one would be bothered by Old Worlds losing their heritage. How has no one raised a larger issue with this? An entire "chunk" of the Galaxy forgets its own identity?
I digress... it has to be roughly 90-100LY from Sol. Most likely a "K" class star, and most likely a low populated Independent Anarchy system. It may have been absorbed by one of the Major Factions at some point.
Unless the system was entirely abandoned, or had a huge boom, the population will be around 1,000, and... I don't know, let's say less than 50,000-100,000.
It was a long time ago. The estimated population was 1,000 at the time of the LRA. Who knows what growth or change has happened since. The records may not be publicly available.
There was also a "Peterson's Legacy" station present. The "Legacy" part may have been changed.

I've put together a list of of possible matches. I will send them over with this log update. The good news is, it looks like we're dealing with a pretty tight area for our calculations.
For pinpoint identification... I don't think we're going to get one. The locals at these systems are pretty tight lipped. Most of them relatively new. Maybe the others have been paid off.
It really seems like some force in the bubble wants the past to remain buried.
I'll search next for markings or audio. Following that, points and people of interest. Again, even if we find Liazeda... the LRA was so long ago that there simply might not be any trace of reference left. The ship vanished without a trace. Only 25 of the researchers from the sister ship made it back. Hell, it's even possible they moved Peterson's Legacy to a new system and recommissioned it to further bury the evidence!
Damnit. All this technological progress and those in power are still capable of hiding the truth of otherwise public events. If only INARA had been established a few hundred years ago. Hell, if they were around back in the 20th century maybe all those UFO sightings would have been taken seriously and government disinformation would have fallen flat. The advances we could have made!

Getting back on topic... even if we do find Liazeda, we have to determine where, how, or even if it connects to The Inquisition's bigger mission.

To wrap things up, I've discovered something interesting buried in a certain station's antenna audio. It could be pareidolia, but it could also be a remnant of distorted communications. Artifact of noise, sound effect, or something more? It took a lot of doctoring to make it sound like something coherent. Even then, I had to listen to a lot of lengthy recording and play with the speed of the signal for it to sound semi-coherent. My colleagues weren't so receptive of it, and listening back... I see why. I let the audio sit for a couple of days, came back and I still hear it. I then cut out some of the delays in the presumed speech to make it clearer.
Due to the blowback, I haven't shared the final cut that I think would better demonstrate what I think I'm hearing. I'll send it out in a future log update and let you and the CMDRs of
decide for themselves. Maybe it's nothing. Or just maybe...

"What if they do... find
? That would be something."

Oh... and I'm going to reduce the frequency of these mission updates. Every new message is a security risk. I wouldn't want to overdo it. Unless there's some major discovery, you'll hear less from me from here on out.

Akbulun bulgunu, ak suu bolot.

~CMDR No0delZ

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