Logbook entry

The Inquisition - Supplement - Visit to an AXP system - Echo in Witchspace


::The Inquisition - Supplemental - Visit to 1 of 2 AXP systems :::
::Frame Date: 12 November, 3309::
::Mission: The inquisition::


I've diverted for a "sight-seeing" adventure that sent me out to "AXP 1E2259+586." This tip-off came from CMDR Black Bill "Feared" in the IRH channel while discussing the Liazeda Radio Anomaly (unrelated - I'll send a followup transmission later)
Apparently there are two of these "AXP" catalog systems in the Systems Map. I didn't see it listed in Inara and figured it was worth an investigation.

It was an interesting stretch of a theory he followed, but what caught my interest was the lack of data available on this and its sister system.
Long story short, nothing majorly significant to The Inquisition was uncovered. I would say this is one investigation that can be closed, but on the way the strangest thing happened. I… Elton, I swear to the gods I saw Leene sitting next to me in the cockpit during that last jump into the AXP system.
We've all heard the tales of strange events that happen in Witchspace and the tricks the mind can play on itself, but she was there.
She looked right at me, Elton.
She looked out the canopy, and then turned and looked dead into my eyes.
The jump finished and she was gone before I could blink.

I drifted for what seemed like hours trying to compose myself. Every hair on my body but the top of my head stood on end and I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. Am… am I really ready to be back out here?



::Re: Echo in Witchspace::
::Frame Date: 13 Nov, 3309::


I've known you long enough. The Black is where you belong. You were born in it, you trained for it, you've spent nearly your whole life in it. Your story didn't end with Leene. You need to stop blaming yourself for what happened to her. She's gone and nothing will change that.
You still have Esther. You still have a mission to do and a galaxy waiting to be moved by it.
Shrug that weight, Atlas, and buckle up because a single wraith in Witchspace is just the start of what's in store.
If you've made it that far out into The Black and the only worry you've had are personal demons, I'd say you're doing pretty damn good.

Remember - Be as Akbul. Clear of mind. Purify your thoughts. The truth will follow.

Now, get back to the bubble, soldier. There's a long list of tasks waiting for you.

Akbulun bulgunu, ak suu bolot.


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