Logbook entry

Morpheus Mining Corporation Announces its annual Corporate Christmas Retreat to the Colonia Region

01 Dec 2023Pr0j3kt676
Season’s greeting Cmdrs!

Today, the Morpheus Mining Corporation is announcing our first Colonia bound Corporate Christmas Retreat.

Primary Objective: Traverse the cosmos in order to supply Cmdrs with fuel (Tritium) and Colonia citizens with rare commodities during the holiday season.

Secondary Objective: Enjoy the holiday tour &/or party like Santa on Wolf Fesh.

Organization: MMCO Executives will coordinate the event and will be supported by a number of MMCO Fleet Carriers.

Cmdr Pr0j3kt676
Cmdr DocMaverick82
Cmdr Tidriel

Fleet Carriers:
1) [MMCO] Executive Suite
2) [MMCO] Pegasus
3) [MMCO] Black Site

DEC 17 - Garoju Departure
DEC 19~20 - Colonia Arrival
DEC 20~JAN 1 - Celebration
JAN 1 -  Colonia Departure
JAN 3 - Garoju Arrival

We are excited to host this celebration and  opportunity as we invite any interested Cmdrs to attend this event. Please contact an MMCO representative if you would like to be added to our roster. (Friend requests required in order to hitch a ride on an MMCO FC)

Further details will be announced regarding this event, if you wish to stay informed, we have created a temporary event channel and Christmas tag (CCR) in our Discord Server (Linked Below). We will provide you with this tag upon your request.

MMCO Discord Server

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