Logbook entry

On the move again...

15 Jan 2024C. Instinct

Captain‘s log – AIRV Big Sister
Date: 15.01.3310
Condition: AMBER

Entry 42:
Alright, I’m done fooling around with scummy pirates now. Over the last 2 weeks I have indulged in melting pirate ships until I had blown off enough steam to calm down my thirst for revenge. Now my head is clear again and we are already on tho move in the name of science once more! Readers of my log may have noticed the Big Sisters is under condition AMBER again and our locator beacons are offline. The reason for that is, I am about to conduct some highly… sensitive research that will require very specific circumstances. In order to do that, the Big Sister needed to leave the bubble and head out into the black. I cannot tell how far into the void this endeavor will take us so in preparation for this mission I had to acquire a whole new ship: A specialized mining vessel to resupply our carrier with tritium while on the move far from any known civilization. Since I have little experience in this particular field I didn’t even attempt do design a ship myself this time. Instead I reached out the AI mining community, admitted my incompetence on the matter and begged for someone to do all the hard work for me. To my great surprise my pathetic cry for help was almost immediately answered and CMDR Hunywolf & my old foolish friend CMDR Litening came to my rescue! They designed a monster of a mining ship, tailored for specific needs! These folks really know their shit when it comes to mining! I’m glad I asked for help right away instead of trying to botch together something on my own. Just the calculations they did about mining laser efficiency alone were already way beyond my understanding! Anyway, I now have a new 600+mil mining cutter and I consider that a worthwhile investment! The only thing that gave me some trouble was finding a suitable name for this newest addition to my small fleet so in the end I went with: “Nameless Thing” (and no, I don’t care if nobody gets my obscure reference!). Now that we are finally….
What the hell… I’ll have to cut my log short here, I’m needed on the bridge. Seems like we picked up a distress call from... no, those coordinates can’t be right…

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︎0 Shiny!

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