Logbook entry

Operation: Bad Dog

[Writer's note: written in the third-person perspective for a change, as this was a live roleplay event.]

"So what is it you're supposed to know, anyway?" Beads of sweat dripped down Streya's suit helmet as she huffed out the question while her fireteam jogged. She had been shouting instructions and barking orders for over twenty minutes now, coordinating with ACA Rebels to extract an Azimuth informant. The firefight before had been intense but the Rebels managed to push through the enemy operatives. Sharp and jagged regolith made for a harder time hiking, but the extraction crew would not be able to set down for another 400 meters.

"Uhhh I-I don't know, it was just so sudden and you arrested me? Why did you kill all those people?" the timid young woman quipped back. Streya paused in thought, but not in motion, and decided she didn't need a justification because none would suffice. "That's between me and my deities!" The VIP rolled her eyes in seeming disgust. "Oh great, a bunch of religious fanatics...." Streya sharpened her gaze, keeping her rifle aimed at the Black Flight mole. "Just because you're in a counter-pressure suit doesn't mean I can't take your pinky!" She genuinely was holding restraint and didn't want to rough up someone with intel too much, but she had to keep the squad moving towards extraction.

"A-a-are you mercenaries? You know my employer could pay way more than what you're getting paid now", pleaded the captured young Azimuth associate. This brought a curling smile to Streya's lips as she howled out laughing "Credits? You think Credits are real to people like us?". And it was true in her mind. After a certain level of success, a Pilot's Federation Commander could truly want for nothing. Not like these Azimuth goons, begging for table scraps from the boot.

"But Credits are what make the Bubble go 'round, right?" the frazzled VIP shot back.

"Take a look around, the Bubble is burning!"

"Do you even know who you're messing with?!"

"Do your employers know who they are messing with?!"

After that, there was relative silence. The battle for aerospace supremacy hadn't gone quite as planned, with one ACA operative MIA and presumed killed. So the extraction crew came down hot and under fire. Despite Black Flight's best attempts to destroy the informant or her capturers, however, they would fail to keep the Rebels from escaping with a heavily shielded ship and questioning her later.
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