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Kingdom of Garoju News: Exclusive Report by Tuesday Jones

21 Feb 2024Pr0j3kt676
In a pivotal development for humanity's survival, Morpheus Mining Corporation (MMCO) has announced the commencement of operations to acquire the Nanite Torpedoes essential for combating the looming threat of Thargoid Titans. Scheduled to begin on February 26, this initiative marks a critical step in the ongoing battle against the extraterrestrial menace.

The Nanite Torpedoes, considered the cornerstone of defense against Thargoid Titans, will be procured through MMCO's strategic efforts. Channel #resource-thargoid has emerged as a hub for commanders to share and discuss various ship builds tailored for the Titan Research thread, reflecting the collaborative spirit driving humanity's fight for survival.

MMCO has issued a clarion call to all capable commanders, urging them to join forces in this crucial endeavor. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, the corporation emphasizes the collective responsibility to heed the call to action.

Once the Nanite Torpedoes are secured, MMCO will launch a comprehensive assault on the Thargoid Titans, aiming to turn the tide in humanity's favor. The success of this mission hinges on the dedication and bravery of all involved.

As the Kingdom of Garoju News, we extend our heartfelt wishes to the team at Morpheus Mining Corporation. Their unwavering commitment to safeguarding humanity serves as a beacon of hope in these perilous times.
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